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Y/n PoV

After leaving the Olsen home on Wednesday night, I headed upstairs for a shower and then got into bed, I didn't talk much to my dad on the journey home, as I didn't have much to say.

Thursday and Friday at school was alright, I didn't wanna go but my dad made me, he also went to see the principal Thursday morning, giving him a pace of his mind about him not taking bullying or anything so seriously in this school.

After my dad left, I could feel everyone looking at me, talking amongst them self about my face, and having stitches, and what's the worse part I don't even have any friends I could turn and talk to try and get my mind of everyone talking about me or staring at me.

I did notice that the Olsen twins wasn't far behind me, the last two days at school, they always was close by, on breaks and lunch they was always near, it was like they was trying protect me, but not be in my personal space.

Lizzie wasn't in school the last two days as I'm guessing she was still unwell, I really do hope she gets better soon, on Friday I did hand some notes and homework to the twins to pass to Lizzie so she doesn't fall behind in any of her classes.

It's now Saturday morning, and I'm just laying in bed, I get a horrible feeling inside when I remember that Lizzie going on a date today with Blake.

I pull the covers over my head and just want today to be over with already! The thought of Lizzie going on a date and most probably kissing him makes me feel sick to my stomach and hurts my chest just thinking that she'll never look or feel the same way about me as I do about her.

I hear my door open, but I don't hear it shut, it seems like my room got a little brighter, when I slowly pull the cover away from my head, I see my dad walking away from my window as he's opens the drapes.

"Morning kid" my dad say with a smile on his face, I just smile back as he lean up against the door frame.

"So, your birthday, you really need to tell me what you wanna do as it's only next Saturday" my dad says and I sign and roll my eyes at him, as I've already told him I don't wanna do anything, I'm only turn 15 not like I'm turning 21 or anything.

"Fine, I'll just invite Lizzie to come and stay Saturday for you, I think jarnette will allow her to celebrate your birthday with you" my dad says as he leave my room and I look shocked at him.

"Dad no, I already said I don't wanna do anything" I say as I get out of bed going after him.

"We'll too late, I've already mentioned it to jarnette" he says as he walking down the stairs

I feel betrayed that my dad has already mentioned my birthday to Lizzie mom, when I don't even wanna do anything, it's going be so hard to spend a day and night with the one you're crushing on when she'll probably have a boyfriend by next weekend

"Ugh I hate you" I shout to my dad in frustration and then head back into my room slamming my door shut as I'm angry that my dad never listens to me.

I walk over towards my window and climb out the window sitting outside on the roof just below my windows. While just sitting there letting my mind run wild I hear my door open again and I roll my eyes.

"Absolutely not, get in now before you fall and hurt yourself" my dad say's raise his voice but I don't answer or do as I'm told.

"Y/n y/l/n get inside now" he shouts at me this time and I still don't answer.

"I'm not going ask you again get inside now"  he says as I knows he's standing by the window but I don't listen and stay sat on the roof.

Before I know it I hear my bedroom door slam shut which makes me jump, I turn my head to notice that my dad left my room and probably headed back downstairs.

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