Ill be glad to...

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Lizzie PoV

I sand there looking at my mom and Ian, not knowing what to say to them, or how to tell them that dad was absolutely vile towards y/n tonight, and he mentioned her mom and that he was the one who got y/n search at school.

"Elizabeth, what happened tonight at dinner with your father" my mom asks and I just look at her still not sure what to say.

"He, he said some horrible things to y/n so I said I was done and y/n and myself left" I say a little nervous of how my mom going react but also how Ian will react once he finds out what my dad said

"Like what" my mom asks and I shake my head no as I don't wanna talk about it, I go to walk upstairs but my mom stops me.

"Living room now" my mom says in a firm tone and I sign and turn back around and head into the living room, with my mom behind me, closing the door while Ian goes into the kitchen to let me and my mom talk.

"What happened" my mom asks in a softer tone.

"He, said Ian killed his wife, which got y/n a little upset and she told him she died of cancer, he also said he doesn't trust y/n, and that he was the one who got y/n searched for drugs at school" I say nervously looking at my mom seeing her face drop

"Y/n mom did die of cancer, your father just never liked Ian no matter what, so he'll say anything to try and get you away from y/n, he had no right to bring her mom into this, and I already knew he was the one who got y/n searched, but wanted him to slip up and say it first" my mom says walking over to me and hugging me.

"The way dad spoke to y/n, looked down at her like she was nothing, all she did was try her hardest to show dad that she a good person, and everything but he kept shutting her down" I say pulling away from my mom hug.

"He has done something like this before, did he physically hurt y/n" my mom asks and I look concerned at her

"No" I say shaking my head

"Okay thank god for that" she says in a relief

"Why did you ask mom" I say a little worried, like I know he's hit mom before and that reason why mom got full custody of us kids.

"He done something similar to Mary-Kate and one of her boyfriends but he hit her boyfriend" my mom says and I look shocked

"Mom I can promise you he never touched y/n" I say and she smiles at me

"Okay, you can head upstairs now" she says and I nod my head and leave the living room and heading upstairs to y/n room.

No one PoV

Jarnie sitting on the sofa, as Ian walks in after lizzies heads upstairs.

Ian takes a seat next to Jarnie and puts his arm around her, as they both lean back on the sofa.

"So David said you killed Mallory" Jarnie says looking up at Ian

"Is he serious?, she died of cancer, and it was heartbreaking to see her slowly die each day hospital" Ian says pissed that David making fake lies up again about him

"He knows how she died, he clearly was trying get y/n all fired up, but it didn't work how he wanted" Jarnie says back

"Look, he never laid a finger on either of the girls, he just wanted y/n to kick off which didn't work" she adds and Ian nods, but is just concerned about his daughter, and also still mad that David could say such lies to try and hurt y/n.



I head upstairs to have a shower, and also to not have to talk about tonight dinner with Lizzie dad, I really wanted to kick off and go absolutely crazy on mr Olsen for saying the stuff he did but I couldn't, I didn't wanna ruin the best part of my life and lose Lizzie forever.

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