The next morning.

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No one PoV

It's 5am Monday morning, and Ian and jarnie are cuddled up in bed together, ian places small kisses on jarnie slowly waking her up, she smiles softly with a happy face waking up next to ian.

Ian leans in a kisses jarnie passionately, she kisses back deeping the kiss before pulling away from each other.

"Morning" she say and he smiles at her before asking
"What time do you're girls normal wake up for school" he asks as he stoking her hair
"About 6am" she says and he nods
"Same time as y/n then" he adds

Jarnie cuddles into Ian, and he holds her close.

"I do need a favour from you if you don't mind" jarnie says
"Sure what's up" Ian asks
"Can you drop me off home so I can get my girls so clothes and their school bags, then I'll drive mk car back here as I know my girls won't want one of us taking them to school and they will definitely not want to walk" she asks looking up at Ian
"Yeah of course babe, when would you wanna go"he says
"In a bit if possible, so I'm back before they wake up" she says and he nods, and give her a small kiss before they get up and changed to head to jarnie so she can get some stuff for her girls.

Meanwhile, mk and Ashley are still asleep, and y/n and Lizzie are still asleep cuddling, how they was during the night.

Ian comes back to the house before jarnie does and he starts to cook up breakfast for everyone for when they are all awake and dressed, he's already up and dressed in a suit for work.

Jarnie comes back to Ians, in mk car and has gotta the girls a change of clothes and their school stuff in the truck of the car.

She headed into the kitchen to see Ian cooking breakfast for everyone and it makes her smile, she walks over to him which get his attention and stopping what he's doing to turn and face her, she wraps her arms around Ian neck and he pulls her closer leaning down kissing her.

"I knew something was going on with you two" a voice from the kitchen door away,

Ian and jarnie both pull away looking towards the kitchen door to see Ashley stood there, in the pyjamas Ian gave her and mk to wear to bed.

"Ashley you're awake early, normally I have to argue with you to get up" jarnie says looking towards her daughter, while Ian goes back to cooking breakfast.

"I know but I'm not at home, so my body woke me up early" Ashley said walking towards the table and sitting down.

"So you guys are dating then" Ashley adds which make Ian and jarnie look at each other and then back at Ashley

"Ashley, what you saw, you do not tell anyone not even Mary-Kate" jarnie says walking towards the coffee machine to make a cup of coffee

"So you want me to lie and keep your secret from Mary-Kate" she says little sly

"Ashley I mean it, you don't say a word" jarnie says in a firm tone towards her daughter and Ashley nods in agreement

"Mom you do know, that Lizzie and y/n won't like this when they find out" Ashley says and Ian looks up and looks towards jarnie

"We are already aware that Lizzie and y/n won't agree or like that fact that we are dating, but that why we are not going tell them until we think it's ready, so please don't tell them" Ian says softly to Ashley.

She just nods and smiles at Ian and her mom.

"I've brought you and you're sisters some clean clothes for school and all your bags are in the trunk of mk car outside" jarnie says handing Ashley, hers and mk clothes, before heading upstairs to put Lizzie clean clothes in y/n room for her.

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