Im always here

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Y/n PoV

After breaking down to my dad and miss Olsen, I head back into the living room where Lizzie, Mary-Kate and Ashley are and I take a seat back next to Mary-Kate while Ashley is cuddling Lizzie on the other sofa.

"Y/n we're sorry but you're dad needed to know the truth, it's not fair for Mel girlfriend to beat you up" mk says as she puts her hand on my knee and I move away from her and she smiles at me and then looks over at Ashley and Lizzie.

"I knew Mel was trouble from the moment I saw her at the party" Lizzie says pissed but doesn't look away from the tv

"What you mean" I ask confused and Lizzie doesn't answer which makes me think about what Mel said at the party about Lizzie liking me.

"Lizzie are you coming to our photo shoot this Saturday, or you doing to dads" Ashley asks their little sister, which pulls me out of my own thoughts.

"No I'm actually going on a date with Blake" Lizzie says shyly but also smiling, hearing her say she going on a date makes my blood boil inside.

"Oooo, where you guys going for your date" mk asks and Lizzie looks at her and then over to me and back to her sister

"We're going to the movies and get food" she says as she really happy about this date, I just sit there bitting the inside of my lip.

"Have we met him" Ashley asks Lizzie

"I don't think so, but he's so hot, and he's in a couple of my classes" she says with a smile on her face and I just look down fiddling with my thumbs.

While the girls talk about boys and about Lizzie date she going on Saturday, I don't listen and overthink everything, I constantly fiddle with my fingers.

Before I knew it miss Olsen comes into the living room letting us all know that dinner is ready, I follow the twins and Lizzie into the kitchen and takes a seat next to my dad while, miss Olsen sits the other side of my dad Lizzie next to her mom, with Ashley next to her and mk next to me.

For dinner it was chicken, vegetables, potatoes with gravy, it honestly looked and smells amazing, everyone dug into their dinners while I slowly ate small bite to bite, and I know my dad has noticed that I'm not eating a lot, and he puts his arm around my chair and leans in to whisper in my ear.

"You need to eat more please" he says softly and concerned and then goes back to eating his dinner I swallow hard before trying eat a little more by forcing myself to eat, I try to hold the tears back because I'm not hungry and don't wanna eat but I have to because my dad told me to eat more, and I don't wanna make a scene at the Olsen home again.

Everyone finished eating and all chatting among them self, while I'm not even half way through the dinner, I know they all noticed I've not eaten much, but I don't bother looking up at anyone at the table.

"Girls why don't you go have showers and get your homework done in the living room, and Lizzie I'll be in the living room, in a second to take your temperature" miss Olsen says as the girls leave the table, with Ashley and mk heading upstairs while Lizzie goes back to the living room.

"Hey, it's okay, you don't need to finish it" miss Olsen says as she takes a seat next to me and I look up at her and then back to my dad who looks concerned, and worried.

"It was really nice I'm sorry I didn't eat it all" I say with a shaky voice and she gives me a small smile and cleans the table up.

"Y/n why don't you head into the living room while I talk to your dad please" miss Olsen asks and I nod my head and head into the living room wear Lizzie is.

"How you feeling" Lizzie asks as I take a seat on the sofa
"I'm okay" I say with a fake smile, and Lizzie gets off the sofa she was on and sits next to me.

"You don't need to lie to me" Lizzie says sweetly as she puts her arm around me which makes my heart beat faster
"I'm fine I promise" I say with a small smile and Lizzie pulls me closer into a hug and I feel shocked but I melt into her hug

"I know you're not okay, but I'm always here" she says as she pulls away from the hug and looks at me with a warm smile which makes me smile and I softly say " thank you" to her.

Jarnette walks into the living room with a thermometer to take Lizzie temperature, she notice Lizzie next to me on the sofa.

"Elizabeth I told you to keep your distance from y/n I don't want you making her sick as well" her mom says moaning at her in a pissed tone.

"Mom I'm sorry but I" Lizzie goes to say but her mom cuts her off

"No Elizabeth, now get on the other sofa and let me take your temperature" she says telling Lizzie what's to do and Lizzie does as she told while her mom takes her temperature

"And you've still got a fever, so please don't get to close to y/n as I don't want you making her sick also" her mom says as she tucks Lizzie in with a blanket and heads back out the living room.

"So she annoying, I'm sorry my mom moaned at me for being close to you" Lizzie says annoyed and looking over to me.

"It's okay, you're mom cares about you and doesn't want you making anyone else sick, it's honestly fine" I say with a small smile, and thinking I'd do anything to have my mom back to care and moan at me like Lizzie mom did to her.

No one PoV

While y/n and Lizzie in the living room watching tv, Mary-kate and Ashley are upstairs finishing their homework and also having showers and getting changed.

While Ian and Jarnette are in the kitchen cleaning up, after they haven't finished cleaning up jarnette wraps her around around Ian's neck while he's hands are on her waist, they both go in for a kiss, a passionate kiss.

As they pull away jarnette rest her head on Ian shoulders as they both just hug one and other.

"You know this isn't going work" jarnette says
"Why" Ian says
"Because our kids won't allow this, and Lizzie won't if she's Crushing on your y/n" jarnette says

"Lizzie crushing on y/n" Ian asks looking at jarnette shocked to this news
"Trust me, I know my girls, and the way Lizzie looks at your daughter and talks about her, I know my girl falling hard for y/n but is scared to even come out the closet let alone admit she likes y/n" jarnette says pulling away from Ian and going make a coffee

Ian laugh lightly at jarnette saying Lizzie likes y/n which makes jarnette look over at Ian oddly
"It's funny you should say that, because I know y/n crushing on your Lizzie, she acts like Lizzie not a friend just a lab partner, but her face lights up when she even see or hears Lizzie name" Ian says and jarnette smile knowing that's both their kids like each other but are both not ready to admit that they are.

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