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I'm sat on my own in the cafeteria, and I can feel the feel the popular table looking at me, as I look up to see Mk, Ashley Lizzie clay Ricky Ryan jake and also Annie all looking at me, I get up and walk out to the field.

I can't believe Annie now bestie with them, she knows how hard this week is for me as it is and she can't even be bothered to ask if I'm doing okay, instead she worked her way to the popular lot just by getting with Jake a sophomore who a quarterback on the football team. Fuck her should of saw this coming.

I'm sat on the bleachers and I see Ashley and Mk walking over to me, and Lizzie behind them. I don't need this right now.

Both twins stand in front of me
"Leave it" Lizzie say behind them

"Can I help you" I say all smug showing I'm not scared of them

"Thing you're funny don't you" Ashley says stepping closer to me and take my bag away from me

"What the fuck is your problem" I say standing up

"Our problem is you, thinking you can call Lizzie a slag" mk says pissed
"Just because your a little lesbo who jealous Lizzie sucked a guy off and not you" Ashley say pushing me back down so I'm sat

I don't say anything back, because I already know they found that out by Annie who knows everything about me and clearly she felt the need to fit in by dragging me under the bus about my sexuality making me feel like an outcast

"Please stop it" Lizzie says pulling her sisters away from me and I stand back up and go to get my bag but Ashley moves so I can't have it.

"Ashley give her bag back" Lizzie say's basically begging "no" she says and I feel my anger rise
"Awh you going cry home mommy and daddy, I bet there so proud to have a daughter like you"mk says and that's when it hits me, I lose it I push mk out my away and walk off without my bag, I feel the tears rolling down my face I walk past everyone in the school hall hearing everyone talking about me being gay and walk passed annie who's at her locker with Jake, she notices I'm crying

"Y/n" she says and I ignore her and carry on walking to the girl toilets, I can hear someone calling my name but I don't turn back.

Once I get in the toilet in the cubicle I break down, I just wanna die, I wanna be with my mom, I here the toilet door open and close and a light knock on the cubicle I'm in but I don't answer

"Y/n, I'm sorry about my sister" I hear Lizzie say the other side of the door "go away Lizzie" I say sobbing
"I brought you your bag I'll just leave it here for you" she says and placed it on the floor to where I can see it under the door "I'm sorry" she says and she leaves the toilets.

I don't bother going to my next class, I stay in the toilet having a break down, I hate it I hate having grow up and go to high school and not have my mom at home waiting for me, to have a hug from my mom on bad days like this, to even just being able to talk to my mom about things I struggle with dad.

Lizzie PoV

I really didn't want mk or Ashley going over to y/n saying anything by to her, their going make her life a living hell for the best two years while they are still in school, and it's just going make my life harder because we are partnered up for this year for our science project and everything. I get my sister basically run this school but I don't like how they treat or talk to some people and y/n one of them.

Watching y/n push mk out her way and walking off, I got her bag off Ashley and went after her, I over heard what people was saying about her in the halls because she gay, but so fucking what if she likes girls there nothing wrong with that and it doesn't change who she is.

As I reach the toilets and enter just hearing her cry was heartbreaking, I'm not like my sister, I may not know y/n well but she seems nice, I wanted to stay with her and make sure she was okay, but she didn't want me around so I left and headed back out to see my sisters with Annie Jake and Ricky, I walk over and Ricky gives me light kiss and put his arm around me.

"No one call our little sister a slag" Ashley say loudly making sure everyone in the halls can hear her so they are aware not to even cross the line with me or them

"Can you just drop it" I say pissed at her
"I wonder if her mom and dad knows their daughter say" Mk says and I roll my eyes

"Shit" Annie says and we all look at her
"What" Ashley asks
"Y/n not normal like this I promise" she says and I look away from Annie knowing she can't be trusted

"What a bitch you said it yourself" Mk says
"She's struggling and I've been asshole, she needed me her best friend and I pushed her away" Annie says looking down like she fucked up

"Care to explain what's going on" Ricky say's confused
"It's the anniversary of her mom passing this weekend, it'll have been 4 years and y/n normal struggle around now because starting a new year at school but this case starting a new school altogether" she adds

"Shit, she don't have a mom" Jake says shocks and my heart dropped for her now I know why she walked off because of what mk said
"You gotta be fucking kidding me" Mk says and Ashley doesn't know what to say

"No, I'm not kidding" Annie says
"So you just told us and everyone in this school she's gay, knowing that will make her life a living hell for the next four years, but you done it when she struggling the most because it's coming up to her mom anniversary" I say pissed and I feel Ashley hand on my shoulder telling me to leave it
"Unbelievably, she deserves a must better friend then you" I say and walks off

"Lizzie" I hear Mk and Ashley call me but I don't answer and just head to my next class

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