It's okay...

785 44 4

Trigger warning- self harm, sexual abuse, physical abuse

No one PoV

Ian and Jarnie are at the office working, not long into their work, Ian phone starts ringing he looks at it and then looks up at Jarnie

"It's the school" he says and Jarnie looks at home concerned

"Hello, mr y/l/n" he say as he answers the phone

"Hello, sorry to bother you mr y/l/n, it's miss jones, I'm wondering if it's possible you could come down to the school for a meeting about your daughter y/n" miss jones says politely on the phone

"Yeah sure, can I ask what this is about please" he asks

"Sir, I think it's best we have this conversation in person and not over the phone" miss jones says

"Okay, I'll be there soon" Ian says before hanging up the phone

"What's happened" Jarnie asks looking concerned at Ian

"They won't say over the phone" Ian says as he shuts his laptop down

"Want me to drive you" Jarnie asks and Ian nods

"Please" he says and she grabs her bag and keys and they head out of the office building to Jarnie car.

Y/n PoV

I just sat miss jones call my dad, once she off the phone she walks over to me.

"Come on sweetheart, let's go to one of the office rooms near reception" she says and I nod and get my bag and follow her to reception and she opens one of the offices door and I walk in taking a sit while I wait for miss jones to come back in with my dad.

I hear the door open and miss jones enters with my dad, I look away not wanting my dad to see me upset, he takes a seat next to me while miss jones sit opposite us at the table.

"Can you please explain to me why I'm being called here" my dad says in a firm told as he's not happy being pulled out of work.

"Look I'm sorry MR y/l/n but this is a serious matter regarding your daughter" miss jones says and he looks confused at her and then over at me who now is looking down at my hands

"Y/n what's this about" my dad asks me softly and I shake my head no as I don't wanna talk about it or say it.

"It's come to our attention that your daughter was sexually abused nearly two years ago" miss jones says

"I'm sorry what, when" my dad says shocked

"Y/n would you please explain to your dad what's we spoke about" miss jones says

"Hey kiddo, it's okay, you can talk to me I'm here" my dad says as he squats down In front of me putting his hands on mine.

"So when I was a freshman, there was this Christmas party at someone house, um" I start to panic as I don't wanna tell him

"Hey it's okay" my dad says softly

"I got rapped by 4 people, two girls who were in sophomore year and two guys who were in junior year" I say but this time crying as saying it out loud, makes it feel more realistic as I never wanted to remember that night again.

My dad hugs me as I just cry on him, I never wanted anyone to know about this, I never wanted my dad to find out, but now having it out in the open to my dad it's like I'm reliving that moment in my head where I was doing well trying not to remember that night.

He lets go of me and stands back up and turning to face miss jones

"So what now" he asks

"If we get the police involved where it's been a few years there may not be enough evidence.." she says but I cut her up

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