Its okay

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I finally got dad to agree to let me not go to school today, it did start with an argument and a lot of shouting until he decided to agree with me because I was sobbing that I didn't wanna go.

I stayed in my room most the day, dad did go to work for a few hours and came back early purely because he's left me home alone when I'm meant to be at school.

I hear the doorbell go and my dad opens the from door to hear him talking to Lizzie, why is she constantly here? Why can't she just leave me alone?

I hear my dad telling her I'm upstairs and what room mine, I wait for her to knock my door but she doesn't, I see her shadow from under the door so I decided to open the door on her which made her jump, I let her in my room and she slowly walks in, looking around my room.

I go back and sit on my bed while she still looking at photos on my desk and everything, she looks beautiful today, where blue jeans and a white blouse with a knitted jumper, hers hair down with little curls in, god she is perfect, her cute little smile. Y/n stop you can't fall for her!

"Is this your mom" she says pulling me back to reality and I nod looking at her and she gives me a small smile "she beautiful" Lizzie says and walks over to me, and take a seat next to me on my bed.

"So um, I took some notes in class today for you" she says kinda nervous, as she gets out the notes she written down for me
"Thank you" I say and takes the papers off her and reading through them

Lizzie stays silent while I'm reading her notes she took down for me, I get pulled out of reading the papers when my dad knocks on my door and then opens it standing against the doorframe looking over at me and Lizzie on my bed.

"Lizzie would you like to stay for dinner" he asks
"Um, yeah sure I would love to" she says nervously
"Perfect, I'll let you're mother know for you" he says "I'll give you both a shout when dinner ready" he adds and closes the door behind him and heading back downstairs

"Your dad is nice" Lizzie says looking at me with a small smile "yeah" I say back and the going back to reading the notes

I notice Lizzie playing with her ring on her finger, and I slowly look up at her who is currently looking down.

"Lizzie are you okay" I ask and hesitates to put my hand on her but don't in the end
"Yeah" she says weakly
"You know you can talk to me" I say softly
"Me and Ricky broke up" she says looking back down and I didn't know what to say

"Oh shit, what happened" I ask but I'm not really good with this stuff I've never dated someone to know how she must feel.
"He was cuddling up to some girl called Ronnie at lunch" she says as she wipes her tears away
"I'm sorry" I say sitting there awkwardly
"It's okay, I'm stupid for falling for a dickhead who used me for a blow job" she says looking at me with a smile

"You're not stupid" I say looking back at her
"I am for sucking him off" she laughs as she says it which made me giggle as well.

"Would you like to watch a film" I ask nervously, I really do like Lizzie and I know it's just going be a crush nothing more and I do feel nervous around her because she absolutely gorgeous

"Yeah I would love to" she says and takes the notes and books off the bed and get herself comfy and I hand her the remote to the tv to choose a film and I get comfy next to her.

"What was your first kiss like" Lizzie says out the blue while trying choose and film to watch
" I um, I haven't" I start to say and stumbling on my words and she looks over at me
"It's okay, if you've never kissed anyone" she says with a warm smile and I smile back at her

"Y/n can I ask you something" she asks noting taking her eyes off the tv as she plays a film to watch
"Yeah sure" I say looking at her and then back at the tv
"How do you know your gay" she asks softly
"Ah" I get a nervous laugh before continuing "I find women more attractive then men" I say shyly
"I'm sorry if that made you feel awkward I didn't mean to" Lizzie says being really apologetic.
"It's okay" I say

During the film we had little small talk but nothing big, she asks if I would be in school tomorrow and if I would go to her sister party, she even asked me about my childhood, and it was nice to just have small talk nothing to deep. We laughed a lot at each other and at the film

We hear my dad call us for dinner and we both head down, Lizzie sits next to me while we eat, my dad asks Lizzie how school going and everything and everything, it nice to see Lizzie engaged with my dad and having a proper conversation with him. Many people are scared of my dad because he can be a scary guy but he's been doing good since my mom passed away.

After dinner I help dad clean up and Lizzie also insists in helping also, which makes me smile after cleaning up I seat at the table and Lizzie does the same.

"Lizzie if you wanna go get your stuff and we'll take you home" my dad says taking a seat at the table and Lizzie nods and head's upstairs to get her stuff.

Once Lizzie comes back down with her stuff we head out the house and to my dad car to take Lizzie home, Lizzie and myself sit in the back of the car together, it wasn't a long drive but once we got there and dad pulls up outside.

"Thank you for dinner, and for the lift home I really appreciate it MR y/l/n" lizzie says while taking her seatbelt off
"You're more then welcome" my dad says which makes lizzie smile and then look at me
"I'll see you tomorrow at school y/n" she says as she gets out the car
"See you tomorrow" I reply back smiling at her and she gives me a small wave goodbye.

I watch as Lizzie walks up to her front door, damn she has such a nice arse.

Stop looking at her like that y/n

Once she gets to the door her mom opens the door and Lizzie walks in, while her mom walks over to the car and my dad opens his window and I sit in the back feeling uncomfortable and awkward.

"Thank you for being her home Ian" Lizzie mom says
"You're welcome, also go easy on her she a good kid despite if she is grounded" my dad says to Lizzie mom
"She's a good kid doing adult things" she says and her and my dad laugh at her little joke

They both say good night and my dad drives us home.

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