Ending note

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I hated this book!



Nah cause seriously speaking, I don't think it was that bad. But I think I was a lot more unprepared for it than I thought I was. It felt rushed, and I really think I could have done better. I'm very unsatisfied with the way it came out. But I don't know how I could have made it any better. I feel like I was too impatient with it, and didn't give it the time it deserved.

That, or I'm just used to writing 100+ chapter books now and writing something below 50 chapters right after that is throwing me off. Cause I was so shocked when I saw how little stuff I had to do to fill this book out. Like, usually I have rows upon rows of stuff I need to complete to finish a book, and it typically takes 20-30 chapters just to close one. But this one is only 44 chapters 😅 it's like a shock to me now. I'm too used to going into a shit ton of detail. Cause even though I've only done it for 2 books (AOIO and I'm not poly--) it's been nearly 2 years since I've written a simple book. AOIO took a full year (once regular updates started) and I'm not poly took 6 months. This book?

Bro this took me 3 months to write.

Which, I guess is about right in comparison to how long it took me to write I'm not poly. It's half the size, and took half the time. So there's that.

But as I said before, I genuinely can't tell if this story ended as badly as I feel like it has. I'm so worried that I've fucked something up. That I've ruined the book by the ending. I'd go as far as saying that this book gives me the worst feeling in the ending that any of my books have. I swear that somethings wrong here. Whether it's my pacing or a plot hole. But I don't know 🥲

But anyway, regardless, I'm going to leave it here. Because in order to tell, I would have to publish it for you guys to read anyway. And I'm not gonna rewrite a book that's already been read. It would muddle the book.

So, I want to say thank you now. For joining me on this journey, be it as a new reader or one of my old babies, thank you for reading and for staying with me. I love all of you. And I really hope I didn't disappoint. Because this honestly feels like a huge step down. Whether I feel that way because of the hype you guys gave I'm not poly or if it's really a step down, I'm not sure 😅 I'll have to see in time.

But again, thank you guys for being here with me❤️❤️❤️

As for now?

My plans currently are to take a little break before I continue on. Mates will be next, guys 🥰 but I'm going to hold off on it for a little while longer to take a mini hiatus. At most, for like a month. Cause I'm gonna get stressed if I don't write 💀 I'll probably be back on Feb. 11th-- my birthday hehe--to give you guys a present and end my hiatus.

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