Chapter 3

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Thank you for 1k reads on October 24th~❤️

Character intro has been updated to include Jeongin, Seungmin and Changbin.

I'm still not really ready to go on a steady update schedule for this. But for now, I can do every 7 days. I'll seek to drop it at the latest, by the end of the year. We'll see. But I hope you enjoy the next snippet❤️


Day 2 of writing about Hyunjin hyung.

I woke up this morning and hyung was cleaning up a bit. He isn't the messy type, so I'd never really seen him clean, nor thought that he needed to help out with it. He was usually a very tidy person. So it was a bit embarrassing to walk out of my room and find him picking up my laundry in the bathroom. I mean, the ones that must have missed the hamper when I threw them during my last bathtime. But I guess...

I don't know. Hyung seemed kind of nervous when I saw him. Like he was embarrassed to be cleaning up my mess. I don't know why he would be embarrassed though. I mean, maybe he was just weirded out since...he was holding some of my underwear when I came out. He probably thought that I would be weirded out or something. And I was at first, since he kind of just froze in front of me with my underwear balled up in his hand. But after we locked eyes for a few seconds, he flicked his wrist and threw the underwear into my hamper. Though it was kind of weird that he was holding it like he was. Just...balled up. Like he wasn't bothered that it was dirty and that it was my underwear or anything. Most people would be disgusted. But he wasn't. So maybe that was a bit weird. But I guess I should be thankful (and embarrassed) that he's willing to pick up after me like that. It kind of reminds me of my dad.

Not to say that hyung is anything like my dad, but sometimes my dad would pick up after me and scold me right after. Though hyung didn't scold me, it was a little sense of deja vu.

Maybe I should apologize to him later? I hope he doesn't see me as immature or a messy roommate. I can't imagine being his age and having to deal with a kid nearly eight years younger leaving his underwear on the floor. Even if it was an accident. Was it an accident though? I really can't remember. Would I have noticed if I missed the hamper? I don't know. Maybe I was in a rush to get to class or something.

Oh well. I'll apologize to him later. It must have been really bothersome to him. I can't say I'd ever seen an alpha willingly clean before. I didn't really have any problems with it though, either way. I was perfectly fine with playing the cleaning housewife role. It was therapeutic for me anyway to clean. I love a clean house. There is nothing more relaxing than the smell of bleach and the feeling of a wet, deep washed carpet against my toes. I wasn't sure if hyung liked the intense smells of my vast cleaning supplies though. I could swear that those times after I'd just extensively cleaned were the times that he would wander around the house most. Almost like he was trying to renew the scent of himself in the house. Kind of like an animal marks things. Now of course he wasn't rubbing himself against the furniture like a cat and certainly wasn't whipping it out and pissing like a dog. But rather he would pace until his strong alpha scent naturally started clinging to the apartment again and marked his presence.

I really couldn't say that I was too surprised by that behavior though. I knew good and well how possessive alphas could be with their territorial instincts. Though it's certainly not called anything that primitive in passing conversation. After all, alphas were all about claiming things as their own. I just hope that he remembers that the apartment is technically mine, not his...

The apartment is in my name, after all. I rent the apartment, and Hyunjin hyung is under a personal 'contract' with me as my roommate. So the apartment is mine, but...I guess you could say he leases out his room from me and pays the rent in return, while I pay the bills and for any necessities. At the end of the month, it equals about the same anyway. Even though he doesn't seem to take advantage of any of the necessities that I buy. He prefers his own soaps, doesn't seem to eat the food in the fridge at all, hardly seems to drink anything but water, and he doesn't really use any of the laundry supplies I buy either. Ever. And I can't say that I've ever seen the alpha using the laundry room period. Even though his clothes always smell fresh. I have folded his clothes for him a few times if I see it laying out in a basket. So maybe he does use the laundry room, but maybe he also has a stash of his own laundry detergents and stuff that I don't know about. It wouldn't surprise me. The alpha has the master bedroom anyway (I didn't feel it necessary to have such a big room.) He could just keep it in his own bathroom.

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