Chapter 20

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Thank you for 23k on Dec. 26th~❤️

I have a busy day dealing with car registration today 😑 wish me luck. I'll fucking need it.

On another note, don't Jisung's cheeks look so squishable? Like extra squishable today?



That night, I managed to get Hyunjin to let me sleep in his bed with him. After an hour of whining loudly outside his door and not letting him sleep, anyway.

And when I woke up the next morning, he was voluntarily holding me. I had crawled onto his chest in my sleep and was curled up halfway on top of him, and the alpha had wrapped his arms around me to hold while I was sleeping. And this time when we woke up together, Hyunjin didn't seem so mad. I had ridden his thigh all night again like last time, and both of us woke up with boners. Though unlike last time...Hyunjin didn't get mad when I flirted with him about it. He just got up and walked away from me, ignoring my advances and instead telling me to go get ready for class so he could drop me off.

In other words, I think I can classify my morning as good.

But now, I had a predicament.

Just as I had deduced yesterday...

Jeongin's friends were the ones that I had a class with. And just like yesterday, Jeongin was with them in the classroom.

I was tense when I saw that alpha from yesterday walking in with Jeongin. The other omega gave Changbin his bag and left the room again, leaving the two alone. I became even more tense when the alpha made a point to lead Jeongin to sit directly behind me once he had reign to lead, only one row up. I could feel his eyes on me, as well as the somber ones Jeongin had. Changbin sat directly behind me too, just to make me feel even worse.

I refused to turn around and look at them. Thankfully though, I didn't have to. Though I did also tense up even more, as the man of the hour popped up.

"Hey." Chan crooned softly as he sat down beside me, right below Jeongin. Completely oblivious to the atmosphere around us.

"Hey." I mumbled with a little smile. "I didn't expect you to sit with me of your own accord."

"Who was it that was begging to be friends yesterday?" Chan asked with a big smile. "You said that it was okay, and that it would make you happier. So...I think it's the least I can do for you." He said as he started to unpack his stuff, while my eyes flitted over to Jeongin when Chan mentioned us being friends.

"Yeah..." I mumbled softly as I met Jeongin's gaze. "I think just friends is better for us anyway."

Chan looked at me curiously when I said that, though he smiled right after.

"Yeah. Probably." He agreed.

"Probably?" I repeated.

He hummed. "I still like you."

Why did you have to say that with a crushing boy right behind you?


"I don't intend to court you anymore though, if you were thinking that." He mumbled. "I don't want to hurt you again. I think I'll just stay single for awhile."

I can respect that, but do you have to say something like that when Jeongin is behind you?!

Though I was worried about the boy, when I glanced at him again, he didn't look so sad anymore.

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