Gilderoy Lockhart 2.

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(originally posted on Quotev for a friend's birthday)

Despite today being my birthday I haven't actually had that good of a day, I've had to deal with some problems with the students and I haven't even spent and time with my husband either. It almost feels like he is avoiding me but I don't think he is,I hope to see Gildeory in the great hall this evening. Well it hasn't all been bad so far today, I've had some cards and gifts from my friends among the staff. Even Severus got me a gift,so if Gild has forgotten then he is in so much trouble.

I am making my way to the Great Hall to look forward to a nice meal,when I am stopped by my husband

"Y/n my darling I have been looking all over for you" Gilderoy said

"So you have finally remembered who I am then?" I say to him

"Now I know it looks bad but trust me honey it's not" Gilderoy said

"So you did remember my birthday then?" I asked feeling more hopeful

"Your very charming and handsome husband most certainly remembered his beautiful wife's birthday " Gilderoy said showing his award winning smile"That and Snape said he would curse me if I forgot "

"That's why you've got to love Sev" I said.

"Hey you're meant to love me and only me" Gilderoy said pouting

"I do love you and only you ,you dork" I said" I love Severus like a brother "

"Oh right" Gilderoy said" Right if you would kindly accompany me"

"If I must I must" I said teasingly. The two of us walked off down the corridor in the direction of the D.A.D.A classroom. I know I shouldn't have thought that Gild had forgotten my birthday,but he has done it once before to be fair. We arrived in the classroom and then headed upstairs to the office above.

"Now before we go inside I need you to do something for me"Gilderoy said,he stood with his back to the door

"And what might that be?" I ask him

"Close your eyes and hold my hand,that's all" Gilderoy said. I did as he asked,I then hear him open the office door and gently guide me into the room. I can't explain it but some how the room felt different than what it normally does. We stopped walking and I felt Gilderoy walk past me and close the door" When I say and only when,you can open your eyes"

"Yes dear"I said,it is really tempting to peek but I won't spoil anything,I hear Gilderoy move about the room and then come and stop behind me

"Now you may open your eyes" Gilderoy said,I open my eyes and see that Gilderoy has redecorated his office. Instead of pictures of himself,there are now pictures of the two of us,there is a lovely roaring fire in the fireplace and in the middle of the room instead of his desk. Is a table set for two.

"You did all this for my birthday?" I asked turning around to face my husband

"I know it doesn't seem like enough but..."Gilderoy began to say,I stop him by kissing him

"This is more than enough Gild" I tell him after we stopped kissing" Just spending some time with you today is enough"

"Really because I know I'm not always the most easy person to love,what with my ego and seeming like I don't care" Gilderoy said looking down at me slightly"but the truth is Y/n,I'm a better person for loving you. I don't know what I would do if you ever left me"

"Well my love you don't ever have to worry about that,I'm never leaving you"I say " I love Gilderoy Lockhart ego and all"

"I love you too Y/n Lockhart " Gildeory said" I don't deserve you"

"You do my love."

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