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A/n the reader is half Saiyan and half human.

Nothing ruins your day faster than unexpected guests,and friends that fail to mention them before hand. You see somehow Bulma had managed to convince Vegeta to spend the day with her,there son Trunks,Goku,Chi-Chi and there son Goten. There older son Gohan is out of town with Videl,I was left on my own to do whatever I pleased. I've been on Earth for about five years now,after being rescued from enslavement by Goku.

When Goku brought me to Earth he took it upon himself to get me used to my freedom and when he and Vegeta found out I'm half Saiyan,that is when my training began. And about a year or so later I had managed to achieve Super Saiyan. But since the others aren't here today I can do as I please,I just can't break anything as per Bulma's request.

It is now the afternoon and I have nothing to do,I spent most of the morning just sleeping and I'm unsure on what to do now. One thought that came to me is food. Being a Saiyan I can consume large amounts of food at one time and thanks to Chi-Chi I know how to cook earth meals. And since Bulma has plenty of food in,I decided to make a feast fit for a king. Only half way threw my food making the unexpected guests show up.

As the day is lovely,sunny and warm,I decided to eat outside. Just as well because if I hadn't I would have missed there arrival. I was just about to go back inside when a smooth male voice speaks from behind me
"Hello" I turn around and see a really tall man,with tall hair and his skin is a light blue colour
"Hello" I say surprised at the sudden arrival "Can I help you?"

"Who are you and where is the Lady Bulma?" A second slightly more gruff voice said,as a purple cat man stepped out from behind the tall guy
"Bulma is out with her family for the day, and I'm Y/n" I say to the cat
"Y/n,you must be the other Saiyan Goku told us about last month" the tall man says
"How can she be a Saiyan Whis,they have black hair this woman has H/c?" the cat asks.

Before the tall guy who is called Whis could answer,I spoke
"I'm half Saiyan, my mum was human" I say"Who are you, may I ask?"
"I am the Angel Whis and this is Lord Beerus God of Destruction" Whis says
"So you're the cat that scares Prince Prickly" I say
"Prince Prickly?" Whis asks confused
"She means Vegeta ,Whis" Beerus says his gaze then lands on my food.

"Did the Lady Bulma make all this food?" Beerus asks walking over to the table and inspecting the food
"Actually I did,I can cook" I say proudly,Beerus ignored my answer and helped himself to food any way
"Please forgive Lord Beerus, he gets cranky when he is hungry" Whis said to me
"I heard that Whis" Beerus says devouring a burger.

"May we join you,Lady Y/n?" Whis asks politely
"S-sure" I say, I'm not used to being spoken to so politely or being called Lady. Whis rested his stick thing beside the table and then sat down beside Beerus and also began to eat. I have to say these two could certainly eat a lot,I think they put Goku to shame. I watched in amazement for a few moments before I sat down and began to eat as well.

"Since Goku told you about me,did he also mention how he found me?" I ask,as Beerus is to busy licking clean a bowl of ramen Whis answers
"Yes he did tell us how he found you and what was being done to you. I'm sorry you had experience that" Whis said
"Thank you Whis, that's very nice of you" I say smiling slightly at the angle who returns my smile.

"If there isn't any pudding here,I will destroy you" Beerus says looking at me
"Is there anything specific you want cat?" I ask him,standing up
"That's Lord to you mortal" Beerus says
"Okay,is there anything specific you want Lord Cat" I say instead, my answer makes Whis laugh. His laughter is one of the sweetest sounds I have heard.

"Shut it Whis" Beerus says glaring at the angel beside him"And you Saiyan bring me pudding or be destroyed "
"Yes oh great Cat of Destruction" I say with an over dramatic bow.

No's P.O.V

After Y/n's cheeky replie she turned and walked back into the house,outside Whis was almost doubled over from laughter. As Beerus got more angry at his attendant
"Will you stop encouraging her Whis" Beerus growled
"I'm sorry my lord,but I didn't know Saiyan's could be so funny" Whis says,looking in the direction Y/n had gone
"She is different for a Saiyan" Beerus agreed"Goku is the relaxed one, Vegeta is the arrogant one and Y/n is the,as you put it funny one"

"Y/n certainly is something" Whis says,Beerus give the angel a look. Before he could ask what Whis had meant by that Y/n can back out of the house with pudding for the two.

Y/n's P.O.V

"Here is your pudding" I say putting the food down on the table
"What is it?" Beerus asks suspicious
"Ice cream cake" I say"Its a combination of ice cream and cake"
"Ice cream cake,its sounds divine" Whis said excited, I looked down at the floor smiling at Whis's words
"Whis has got to be as sweet as the ice cream cake" I think to my self,as the god and angle began to eat.

I waited for there reactions and I wasn't disappointed
"Yummy,yummy,yummy" Beerus shouted, I look at Whis and ask
"Is he always like this?"
"Lord Beerus does love his pudding" Whis says smiling "I must ask Lady Y/n if I can have the recipe for this. I may have to make it again?"
"I can give it to you Whis,but what do I get in return?" That hadn't meant to come out flirtatiously but it some who did.

"Well...I..." Whis said at a loss for words
"If you two are done flirting, I want more of this ice cream cake?" Beerus said,Whis looked back to his own pudding to find there was none left
"That was my ice cream cake" Whis said glaring at Beerus
"You where flirting, the cake was going to waste" Beerus says glaring back.

"Guys,guys you're both pretty. I'll get you both more cake" I say getting up again.

Whis's P.O.V

I turned my glare from the cat beside me,to watch the Saiyan woman walk back into the house
"This isn't like you Whis" Beerus says
"What isn't?" I ask not looking at him
"You being more interested in flirting than food" Beerus says,I look at him shocked. It was true I did seem to find Y/n more enjoyable than ice cream cake, and that puzzles me.
"Admit it Whis you like her?" Beerus says picking his teeth.

There is a part 2.

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