Matt Smith.

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Its not fun when it is the middle of summer and you have a summer cold,and it is a bad one. It had started off as just a runny nose,but then came the cough and the sore throat, bad head ache, a high temperature and achy body. And on top of that my wonderful goofy boyfriend isn't here,to cheer me up.

It took me a few attempts but I managed to crawl out of bed and slowly make my to the bathroom. I couldn't manage to do my full routine, so I just used the loo washed my hands and looked in the mirror. My hair is a wild and unwashed mess,my face is pale apart from my nose which is bright red. I hadn't had a proper wash recently, because if I stood up for to long I began to sway and get light headed.

I shuffle slowly back to the bed and collapse onto it,I slip back under the duvet. I glance around me for the remote control to put on some background noise. I find the remote on the bed beside me,I flicked to the cartoon channel and then began to cough like crazy. Luckily I have plenty of water beside the bed.

I'm to busy coughing so I don't hear the front door open,or someone come up the stairs. I stopped coughing and said quietly to the empty room
"Where is a Doctor when you need one?" And as if by magic,the bedroom door opens and the Doctor steps into the room.

"Did someone ask for a Doctor?" He asks with his usual cheery voice and adorable smile on his face as he straightened his bow tie. The thing with being Matt Smith's girlfriend is you never know when or what he is going to surprise you with next
"I need a Doctor, I think"I say
"Ah good,thought I'd got the wrong house...again"the Doctor says, coming over to the bed.

"Now what is the problem?"
"I'm sick"I tell him
"Okay now for a sick know you need to lay down" the Doctor says"oh you are"he says once he sees me already laying down "Let's keep you warm"I watch as the Doctor tucks in one side of the duvet and hurries to the other side to do the same, only to stop when he sees what is beside me.

"Have you been stalking me?" The Doctor asks picking up my cuddly 11th Doctor toy
"No,my boyfriend gave that to me" I explained
"Boyfriend... he's not some big Cyberman type is he?"the Doctor asks nervous
"No my boyfriend is adrokable" I smile.

"Hang on a minute adrokable,you said I'm an adorable goof,make your mind up" Matt says pouting
"OK,you are both" I say "What are you doing here anyway, not that I'm not happy to see you that is?"
"I got time off filming, so I came to look after my poorly girlfriend" Matt says sitting on the bed.

"And you brought 11 with you"
"I thought he might cheer you up" Matt says,taking off the Doctor's jacket and putting it over a chair by the bed
"That is very sweet and thoughtful of you Matt"
"Your welcome sweetheart, now budge up, I want to make the most of being here" Matt says.

I shift across and Matt joins me properly on the bed,before laying down he takes off his boots first,and then lays down beside me. I rest my head onto his chest as he wraps his arms around me
"You're very warm" Matt says
"Yes you dork,it happens when you are sick" I tease him
"I know, I'm the Doctor after all"Matt says looking down at me
" Your my Doctor "
"And your my human."

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