11th Doctor 4.

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A/n Halloween themed.

For most people shopping is a boring and sometimes tiering task,well not for me it isn't. Try going shopping with a 1000 year old man child alien and see how much fun shopping can be. As Halloween is only a couple of days away The Doctor had suggested that we go shopping for stuff,he didn't say what though.

The two of us walked into the local supermarket and I grabbed a trolley
"Now Y/n we are out in public so try to act normally OK" the Doctor says to me
"Define normal?" I ask him
"OK then at least act human" the Doctor says looking around him
"I am a human so I can act human,its you that doesn't understand that concept" I point out.

But the Doctor isn't listening as normal as he is to busy scanning the shelves with his sonic
"Must you sonic everything?" I ask him
"What are we getting anyway?" The Doctor asks ignoring my question
"You are the one that wanted to come shopping" I remind him
"Ah yes so I did"the Doctor returns his sonic to his jacket pocket and spins about him looking for something
" There doesn't seem to be any Halloween stuff here"the Doctor says"Then again Halloween is believed by some to have pagan roots..."

"...And its also called All Hallows eve and is about remembering the dead as well" I add,the Doctor looks at me for a moment "What?"
"I was going to say that" The Doctor says
"Sorry Doc,beat you to it" I tell him"Anywho this shop will have Halloween stuff just not in this part of the store"I head off further into the shop with the Doctor trailing behind me. After a few more moments we come across the Halloween part of the store at which point the Doctor steals the trolley and runs off down the shop and jumps onto the back of the trolley as he does so.

I couldn't help but laugh at The Doctor's behavior, I followed after the Doctor and found him stood in front of the Halloween clothing
"Looking for something Doc?" I ask him
"Why isn't there Bowties,they are cool" The Doctor asks disappointed
"Most people don't wear Bowties on a daily basis like you Doctor" I tell him
"Well they should" the Doctor says. After leaving the clothes the two of us move off down the isle towards the sweets
"Now are we going trick or treating or are we staying in?" I ask the Doctor.

"Why are you asking me Y/n?" The Doctor asks looking at me
"Well I asked because I know how much you don't like to stay still,that's all" I say, the Doctor puts his hands on my shoulders and says
"I agreed to spend Halloween and then Christmas with you on Earth and that is what I am going to do. So we shall do whatever you choose" the Doctor tells me
"That's sweet of you Doctor to do this" I say,The Doctor smiles at me and kisses me on the forehead
"Now let's get some sweets"

After we stocked up on plenty of sweets and got a couple of pumpkins and some Halloween decorations, I paid for the stuff and we went back to my home.

Time skip to Halloween day.

Today is Halloween but because it is a week day and the weather hasn't been to good I don't think there will be to many people out trick or treating. With this in mind I suggested to the Doctor that we stay in for the evening and watch some Halloween related movies.
"We can build a little fort,eat sweets and tell scary stories" the Doctor says like an excited child
"If you like" I say
"Good I'm going to grab something from the Tardis and be right back" The Doctor says dashing out the door.

Whilst the Doctor did whatever, I started to set up for our spooky evening. I put down a couple of soft blankets and threw plenty of pillows on the floor,next I filled up various bowls with different snacks for us to eat and then got a stack of DVDs. The Doctor returned a few moments later with a strange device in his hand. I watched as the Doctor placed the device over the fire place and point his screwdriver at it.

After a couple of seconds the device lights up and spins around, it seemed to be some sort of projector as various images of Halloween related things appeared on the walls
"Wow that's amazing" I say as the Doctor sits down on the pillows on the floor
"I'd thought you might like it" The Doctor says, I sit down beside the Time Lord and kiss him on the cheek
"What was that for?" The Doctor asks flustered
"I'm just happy you're here with me,that's all" I tell him.

No ones P.O.V

"Well I did promise" The Doctor smiles,the two of them sit and watch movies and stuff themselves full of sweets. Of course The Doctor talked over the movies several times but Y/n didn't mind at all,to her it is one of his best qualities. Despite the not great day,Y/n's home did get visits from trick or treater's and The Doctor had great fun with them.

As the evening wore on Y/n got more tiered but she tried to stay awake as long as possible, the time lord however is still wide awake and full of life
"So you see Y/n if Jack had stayed in Christmas instead of Halloween..." The Doctor was saying but he had just noticed that Y/n had fallen asleep beside him,he smiles to himself as he carefully stands up and picks up his human and takes her to her bedroom. Where he carefully placed her on the bed and made sure she is comfortable.

The Doctor then placed a kiss to her forehead and left the room smiling to himself,as he returns to the living room to tidy up,the Doctor can't help but think back over the last few days with Y/n and how much fun they had had together
"If this is Y/n's Halloween, I wonder what Christmas will be like?" The Doctor thinks to himself as he tides up, as Y/n slept peacefully in her room dreaming of her Bowtie wearing friend.

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