Severus Snape.

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I sit in the chair behind the desk in the library and sigh,another quiet afternoon in the library. Since Madame Pince is away for personal business, I received a letter from Professor Dumbledore and was asked to come and take care of the library for sometime. At first I thought it would be brilliant to go back to Hogwarts and the library,where I spent most of my time when I was at school,but now I'm starting to have seconds thought's about being back here.

I do enjoy helping the students find there books,I do have some favorite's. Like Hermione Granger a smart young Gryffindor who loves books just as much as me,and of course her two best friends Harry Potter who is a nice boy to talk to and Ron Weasley who always grumbles about coming here,but likes it when I help with his potion's homework.

Speaking of Potions,the sinister Professor Snape has just walked into the library. Its not unusual for Snape to be in the library, I mean not long after I started working here did Snape seem to frequent the library a lot. Sometimes a few times a day,I watch as he moves between the rows of books.

I turn around to sort out some books behind me,since I have my back to the room I don't here someone approach
"Miss L/n" the deep voice of Snape says behind me,making me jump and drop the books
"Professor Snape, you startled me" I say
"My apologize" Snape says
"Wait did Snape say sorry to me?" I think"No harm done"I smile"So what can I do for you? "I ask

Snape opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. It looked like he was going to say something but changed his mind, instead he said
"Where are the copies of Most Potain Potions?" It sounds like it was made up on the spot
"Third row on the left" I say"Why?don't your students have them"I ask
"They do,but it comes in handy" Snape says quickly
"Handy for what?Hitting Ron Weasley with it" I ask

"Perhaps" Snape says
"Ha,I knew it" I say grinning. I watch as the Potions master disappeared into the isle of books,but got side tracked by a student not putting his books back in the right places. I am to busy reading the back of a book to tidy away and not looking where I am going, until I walk into something. I stumble slightly and look up to see I had walked into Snape's chest
"Sorry" I say,Snape has this look on his face,but I cant figure it out. We are stood quite close together as I can smell the Potion ingredients on him.

Then out of no where Snape closed the last tiny bit of space between us and kisses me on the lips. I dropped the books I had been holding as I put my hands onto his chest. Who knew that Severus Snape is such a good kisser,only he broke the kiss all to soon and swiftly left the library. I stood there froze,I couldn't believe that Snape had just kissed me. I'm not complaining about it,I do have a thing for the head of Slytherin, but I just didn't know he feels something for me
"Y/n,are you alright?" I hear Hermione ask,walking into the isle
"I....I..." I couldn't speak,that man had left me a stuttering mess.

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