Part 11: Inventor

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Optimus's POV 

Quintessa: "Optimus, it is time you knew the truth. The place you call Earth...has another name. Unicron." 

Me: "Earth...Unicron?" 

A grunt left my mouth as another shock hit me. 

Me: "Cybertron's ancient enemy." 

Quintessa: "Yes. And you must kill her. She has the power of Unictron inside of her. With my staff, we will drain the very life from her. And with that Earth will die." 

A mask came over my face. 

Me: "Yes. She must die." 

Quintessa: "Do that and your world will be reborn. Nemesis Prime." 

Me: "I will fight and kill anyone standing in my way." 

Riley's POV 

Optimus: "Riley!" 

My eyes opened with great speed as I heard his voice inside my head. Quickly looking around I thought that I would be able to see him but I didn't. I meet Cade's worried eyes. 

Cade: "You alright?" 

I nodded as I removed some of the hair that was covering my face. It felt like I had been sleeping for days. 

Me: "Where are we?" 

Cogman: "Just a few minutes before landing Mrs. Pax." 

Bee: "Are you sure you are okay?" 

Me: "Yes I am fine." 

Cogman: "Ah, the White Cliffs of Dover." 

A few minutes later we landed. Stepping out of the plane I looked around to see a castle on my right. Bee changed back into his original form and together with Cade and Cogman we began to make our way to the castle where the Cogman's master was supposed to live. Cogman was leading the way as Cade and I were walking behind him and Bumblebee was walking behind us. 

Me: "Have you ever been to UK cade?" 

Cade: "No it's my first time. You?" 

Me: "On the mission a few times. But my very first time was with my family." 

Cade: "Have you gone to meet the Queen?" 

Me: "That wasn't on my bucket list." 

A smile appeared on his face before he looked back forward. Damn, I missed Sam. Of course, I missed Mom and Dad as well but Sam was the person I needed right now. Coming to the old castle I saw an elderly man walking down the road towards us with a dog on a leash and a tank rolling behind him. Transformer. 

At that moment the tank shot towards us but he missed as the attack flew past Bumblebee hitting the ground behind him. 

Cade: "The fuck." 

Man: "We have guests! What is the matter with you?" 

The transformer began to transform and as he stood there fully he began to pick up the parts that he had lost during the transformation. Man turned his body back towards us who were now standing not that far away from him. 

Bee: "What the hell?" 

Man: "Hello." 

Cogman: "Master, he's a complete knucklehead." 

Man: "I am fully sorry about that but, um, he's, he thinks it's still 1918 to 1914. Something like this." 

Cogman: "So sad." 

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