Part 5: Your Story

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Riley's POV 

Me: "What happened to your family?" 

Izabella looked at me. 

Cade: "Yeah, your turn, unless you're too thought to share."

Me: "Cade."

I gave him a quick glare then I looked back at Izabella. 

Izabella: "Decepticons fired a rocket. My parents were home, but I wasn't. No way I was going to foster." 

For a few moments, there was a complete silence in the camper. I turned to look at Cade who gave me the look. I felt bad for the girl because she lost her parents at such a young age. But this was not a place for her. Suddenly Blue approached her and Izabella smiled down at her. 

Izabella: "Hi." 

Blue: "Hi." 

Izabella: "Is that your car?" 

She asked as she saw the red toy car in Blue's hands. Blue nodded then she offered her the car. Izabella took it and smiled. I was surprised that Blue allowed her to hold the car. No one was allowed to hold it except for her. 

Izabella: "Cool car you have." 

Blue: "Thanks." 

Cade: "You gotta go. You can't stay here?" 

He said making both girls look at him. 

Blue: "Why?" 

Cade: "Because she can't. I'm sorry." 

He said as he looked away. 

Izabella: "Fine. I'll bounce in the morning." 

Returning Blue toy car, Izabella stood up and picked up her backpack from the ground.

 Cade: "Great. Look, if you're hungry I got some frozen pizza burritos." 

He said as he stood up. Izabella walked out of the camper doors and looked back at him. 

Izabella: "And tell everyone where you are." 

Cade quickly looked at me, and then he placed the beer aside on the counter so he could place both of his hands on his hips. 

Cade: "Hey, am I being blackmailed by a 12-year-old?" 

Blue laughed and Izabella poked her head back into the camper. 

Izabella: "Fourteen." 

Cade: "You know, you're really missing out. Cause it's okay to be a kid, Little J-Lo. You think you are so smart, huh?" 

He approached her. 

Cade: "I got a pop quiz for you. Say you got an inline Energon leak on a Slant-6. Don't get it fixed, Autobot's about to bleed out. You got 30 seconds. Now, what are you gonna do? Go." 

Izabella: "All right. First of all, Transformers don't have Slant-6. That's a Chrysler engine, like way back in ancient history." 

Cade: "The late'60s are not ancient history." 

Me: "Yes there are." 

Cade: "We are not talking about that Riley." 

Izabella: "Yeah, but I was fixing an Energon leak, I'd cauterize the artery and re-channel the central flow into the... The... The whatchamacallit, the tube with the..." 

Cade: "The doohickey thing." 

Izabella: "Yeah." 

Cade: "Okay. Watch your mouth." 

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