Part 7: Missing Voice

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Riley's POV

When I woke up the next morning it was early but both of my babies were already awake so I woke up as well. First I prepared Blue her breakfast. She wanted cereals so I gave them to her, and then I took Orion from his crib. First I needed to change his diaper then I breastfed him. As I was done I stepped out of the camper with Orion in my arms. Stepping down the stairs Blue ran past me so she could continue playing with Mini-Dinobots who were already waiting for her.

Me: "Don't go anywhere where we can't see you okay?"

Blue: "Okay!"

Crosshair: "Another glorious, boring morning."

He said as he approached me in his original form.

Me: "Any problems at night Crosshair?"

Crosshair: "No. Everything was okay."

I nodded and he turned himself into his human form.

Crosshair: "It's my time to babysit."

He said as he removed his goggles from his eyes and proper his hands. I carefully placed my son to his arms.

Me: "Will you be fine?"

Crosshair: "You know it."

He began to play with my son and as I saw that it was fine I began to look for Cade and Bumblebee. It's not the thing that I did not trust Crosshair with my son I was just worried. As I was looking for them I saw Izabella coming out of one car with the blanket still around her.

Me: "Good morning."

Izabella: "Morning."

She said as she placed the blanket on top of the car and closed the doors behind her. I stopped walking and she approached me.

Izabella: "You woke up early."

Me: "That happens when you have kids."

At that moment Izabella's friend rolled up to us on his small wheels.

Izabella: "Morning Sqweeks."

Me: "Sqweeks?"

Izabella: "That's his name. I met him a few weeks after I lost my family."

Going down I placed my right knee against the ground so I could look at the little Autoboth up close. He was small on two wheels and he had big eyes.

Me: "Hello Sqweeks. I'm Riley."

Sqweeks: "You know my language?!"

Izabella: "You know Cybertroina?"

Me: "Yes and yes."

I said with a smile then I looked down at Squeek's injured hand.

Me: "When did this happen?"

Izabella: "Yesterday. I was thinking I would find him a new arm somewhere in this graveyard."

Me: "Do you need help?"

Izabella: "No I can do it."

Me: "Alright. Tell me if you need anything."

Izabella: "Okay."

I stood back up but before I began to walk I looked at her.

Me: "If you are hungry you know where my trailer is. Take whatever you find."

She nodded then I turned around and began to look for Bee and Cade. Soon I found them as Bumblebee was on the table in his original form and Cade was about to give him a new voice box that they got from Daytrader.

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