Part 9: A Leprechaun!

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Riley's POV 

Cade took hold of Izabella's hand and we quickly ran out of the fight that was going on around us. Grimlock was destroying the Decepticons on his path with Hound and Drift helping him. I wanted to help them but I needed to take care of Cade's and Izabella's safety. The plane I was hoping for wasn't going my way. At least I knew Blue and Orion were safe with Drift and Bee.

We met up with Jimmy as we came running to the gas station where we took cover behind the gas pumps. 

Jimmy: "I have total respect for you Riley, but that's the only plan you got?"

Cade: "The plan was perfect until this one decided to go against Decepticons."

Izabella: "I was helping my friend."

Hearing buzzing I looked to my right to see many drones coming our way.

Me: "Get down now." 

Quickly all of us took better cover behind the gas pumps as drones were getting closer. They were looking for us. It was him. 

Jimmy: "What are those?"

Cade: "TRF."

Me: "We need to get inside. Come on." 

Picking myself up I ran towards the church on our left. Cade, Izabella, and Jimmy quickly followed me. 

Jimmy: "This is supposed to hunt terrorists not tax-paying Americans. Not that I pay taxes but-"

Cade: "Jimmy shut up."

Coming into the church I began to run up the stairs. Fighting the drones we needed some higher ground. As we were running I could hear that the drones were just behind the old walls. 

Cade: "We are safe in here." 

Izabella: "There's always one in charge. Just like back in Chicago, like a mother." 

Me: "Good thinking Izi." 

We destroy the main one we destroy them all. Coming to the second floor I stopped running as drones began to come threw the windows. 

Me: "Run!" 

The moment they got the sign of us they began to shoot. I began to shoot back at them with my powers and Cade was helping me with his gun as we were running after Jimmy and Izabella.  One drone came flying above us trying to stop us from shooting back. Cade had to tuck it but instead of that I grabbed a hold of the drone with my powers and threw it hard against another one blowing both of them. Playing with drones was low. Even for the army. 

Cade: "Hide in that room." 

The moment we came running into the room I closed the doors behind myself. 

Jimmy: "I left the 'hood to not get shot and now I'm getting shot. This is the worst job ever." 

Cade took hold of Izabella's hand and pulled her down next to him. I was standing right next to the doors as I was listening to the droids flying around the place.  

Jimmy: "Does this job even have healthcare? It doesn't, does it? You try treating a bullet wound by yourself." 

Pushing myself off the doors I fell to the ground just before the bullets began to fly everywhere. 

Cade: "Look out!" 

Placing my hands together I catapulted the droid behind the doors flying out of the church. Quickly picking myself up I saw Cade bursting threw the wall giving us an exit. Taking hold of Izabella's hand I pulled her from the ground and began to run with her. Cade and Jimmy were running behind us as the drones began to follow us once more. 

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