Part 1: Some Legends

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Riley's POV 

Me: "Hurry Cade." 

He was driving as fast as he could through Chicago ruins as I was telling him which way to go. A loud bang was heard making me realize that they had found him. Coming through the corner Cade stopped the jeep and I immediately jumped out of it. The Transformers was down as the army walker was coming at it. 

Cade: "Hey! It's all I got in my bag of tricks, so you might hop in." 

He told the group of kids on the left as he took the spark granate and threw it at the walker. The moment sparks and smoke came out of the granate I began to run towards the walker. Bullets began to fly over my head hitting the walker. As I got close enough to the walker I stopped running and spread my right hand forward. 

Activating the power inside my heart I began to hit the wlaker with my power making him take a few steps back. The moment he took four steps back Bumblebee jumped from the building on the left-right onto the walker and began to destroy it with his cannons. Before the walker came crushing on the ground Bumblebee jumped off him and stopped himself right in front of him. 

Bumblebee: "I am tired of people messing with me." 

Cade: "It's over." 

Voice: "No! I can fix him!" 

Looking back I saw Cade trying to get a girl away from the shoot transformer. Quickly approaching them I scanned the transformers with my eyes as I looked for vital info but there was nothing. We were too late. Looking at Cade I shook my head. 

Cade: "Nobody can fix him. He's dead." 

The girl was trying to resist him. 

Cade: "Hey look at me. Would he want you to die too?" 

He asked her as he made her look at him with tears in her eyes. 

Cade: "Let's go now." 

He pulled her on her legs. I looked back at Bumblebee and he nodded. Returning to the jeep I took a seat next the Cade who quickly began to drive as the kids stayed at the back together with a small robot that must belonged to the girl. What were those kids doing here? This was no man's zone. As Cade and I got to the safer place he stopped the car and we went out of it.

Cade: "Come on. Come on, no time. Let's go." 

He helped on kid out of the car. 

Kid: "Hey you are that guy." 

Cade: "No I am not that guy." 

Kid: "So that means that she is...The leader of Autobots! OMG!" 

Cade: "She is not." 

Kid 2: "You are saving the Transformers. You guys are the legends." 

Stepping to the fence I began to scan the area. It was safe for them to go threw it back home. 

Girl: "Some legends. You guys were too late!" 

Cade who was standing next to me quickly turned around to look at the kids and the girl. 

Cade: "Go, go." 

Kid 3: "Hey, you know there's a reward for turning you in." 

He said to Cade and me making Cade roll his eyes. 

Cade: "Really?" 

Kid 3: "Yeah." 

Cade: "Cool. You want to get punched in the face, like, really hard?" 

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