Through The Eyes Of Young Boy

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Mom sent me out to get the rings and after that we can finally finish this and I can get that huge delicious cake.

When I opened the door, standing there with his best man was the man who would marry my mother.

He turned around and smiled at me, his expression warm. "Hey kiddo, is the lovely bride ready?"

"She sent me here to get the rings." I answer. "Then she'll be ready."

His best friend, Uncle Tristan chuckled. "I'm starving, I cannot wait for that fucking feast."

"You and me both." I laugh.

Uncle Tristan placed both hands on him. "Alright, I want you to go out and marry the fuck outta' that girl. You hear me?"

"Well trust me, I want this finished more than anyone so I can get this honeymoon started." He grinned.

The two laugh as if what he said was a joke and if it was...what was the joke? Adults have a very strange sense of humor. I'd get it if they were laughing about Spongebob ripping his pants but not it's just weird and confusing.

"Alright, D, go out there and wait for your soon to be wife." Uncle Tristan pushes him out of the room. "I've got everything covered here."

He smiles. "Thanks Tris."

Then after that he ran away into the big room where they'll get married, I think it's called an alter?

"Alrighty then," Uncle Tristan hands me a pillow with two rings on it. "This is your time to shine kid."

I nod. "Let's get this done for that cake."

"Yeah, I need to eat or they'll have to find someone else to babysit you while your parents are away and I'm at the hospital." He chuckles. "Let's go!"

Both of us leave the room, Aunt Sammie is waiting in the middle of the hallway. "Alright, showtime boys."

Everyone lines up, I'm in the back and have to wait until my signal to go.

Aunt Sammie matches arms with Chase and Uncle Tristan locks arms with an Anne. In the front was the flower girl Bella, Uncle Tristan's daughter. And finally in the back was mom with Grandpa Lou.

Before I knew it, the door opened and Bella leaves with a basket full of rose petals. A minute later Uncle Tristan and Anne follow out there. Another minute later Aunt Sammie and Chase.

Then, mom takes a deep breath and smiles at me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I reply.

Grandpa Lou stood tall and escorted mom down the aisle, I watched her long dress slide across. I wondered how she wasn't tripping with something that long on her back but of course, my mom can do anything.

Finally I was told to go inside and wait in the front.

Then it began.

It took forever and a lot of words were said, mostly from the Priest. Finally their vows came and I focused because Mom said these are the words that will be engraved into our souls forever.

"Roxanne," He begins. "if someone told me ten years from now that we'd get married...I'd call you and everyone else crazy."

Everyone in the room laughed, it was filled with some of mom's friends and people she worked with, and family. The groom brought in his friends from the school where he works, some students who graduated that kept in contact and his family. Uncle Donny and his wife Brooke, with their daughter Amber.

Dominating The TroublemakerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora