Remember? Remember.

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Chapter 26

Remember? Remember.

Gemina's eyes widened at the sight in front of her. She felt as though she was in a slaughterhouse - subdued to her knees with her head angled up by her hair. Tears welled in her eyes as betrayal clawed on her chest, "Bill?" she cried out, her voice as broken as her spirit. He was standing tall; his body clad in a white three-piece suit and his hair combed slick. Shock passed by his face as he took in the sight of Gemina. This was not what he was expecting when Russell called for a meeting. Gemina's skin was riddled with blood and bruises while her clothes were tattered and barely hanging on. Bill looked back at Talbot and Russell in disbelief, "What-"

Russell clapped his hands in excitement, making Gemina jump out of her skin. It seems to Bill that they have broken Gemina as every little movement they make makes her jump out of her skin. Russell stood up abruptly, making his way towards Gemina who was trembling terribly. Her fear was a treat to the others while it left a bitter taste in Bill's mouth. Russell smiled at Gemina, catching her eyes, "She's Eric's, right?" he asked without taking his eyes off of her. Gemina felt small under his gaze, looking towards Bill for support but he kept mum as he looked at her. 

Bill had no idea what she was doing here - she was not a part of this. Where was Eric? Why was she left unprotected? This was bad. Really bad

Taking his silence as defiance, Russell suddenly wrapped his hand around Gemina's neck and pulled her up in the air. Bill jumped and snatched her away almost immediately, gently holding her up by her shoulders as she choked and gasped for air, "She has no part in this!" he protested, his voice booming and echoing all over the room. Lorena's head tilted as she took in Bill's reaction. He truly is in too deep - he needed saving, and she would gladly be his savior. 

Russell laughed and chortled, "Please do not play coy, Bill." he rolled his eyes, the smile wiping off his face. "I know exactly who she is, and you do too." he pointed at Bill accusingly. 

Had he forgotten who Russell Edgington was? 

He has known of Gemina V. Smithers even before Eric Northman himself, realized the power the human holds on him. Eric may have thought he was being careful and smart in his moves but even before they took one step forwards, he was already miles away. 

Realizing her position, Gemina pushed Bill away with so much power that Bill's hold on her broke and she fell to the ground with a thud. Seeing Bill in the flesh, flawless and fed, brought about an unfathomable rage in her blood that she couldn't keep tame. Is this THE BILL that has been kidnapped? Between them two, who really needs saving? 

Bill went to his knees to attempt to help her up but when her eyes and his connected, Gemina snapped and pushed him once more, "Get the fuck away from me!" she seethed, scurrying away from him in fearful anger. 

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