Confused and Overwhelmed

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Chapter 15 

Confused and Overwhelmed

Stan grunted against Eric's grip, his teeth gritting at the force and pain on his throat. Eric's strength was no joke. It's easy to rile up an already agitated dog. Eric's eyes were red like embers as he glared Stan down. "This may be your area but we're talking about Godric here." Eric growled, a threatening tone in his voice. These clowns were too busy fondling their egos and scratching their balls. They must've forgotten who they were talking to. 

Eric glanced over his shoulder, at Gemina's direction before tightening his grip on Stan's neck, "You will respect me." he barked, his fangs bared dangerously close to his ear. His veins were angrily perched up against his skin, decorating his neck like an angsty choker. To disrespect his entourage was to disrespect him. The wave of embarrassment and insecurity that oozed off of Gemina set him off snappily. 

Maybe he did make a mistake, a childish mistake- his juvenile and pathetic need for her company and affection has clouded his mind. Maybe she shouldn't be here. Having her here was risky. She was like a parasite that has latched onto his mind, rotting him from the inside out. But he didn't care. He lived a hedonistic life and he wasn't about to change that. 

It was something Godric has constantly chastised him for- that the hedonistic life may be pleasurable and thrilling but it was not stable. He could chase self-indulgence in materialistic things all he wanted but it would never satisfy the gaping hole in his cold heart. Godric was fortunate enough to have the wisdom to realise this early on. He could only hope that his progeny would do the same. 

Mindlessly, Eric's grip on Stan loosened slightly which Stan took advantage of, letting his body fall to the ground. Gemina looked lost and out of place while Isabel talked to her in hushed tones. It was clear that she was uncomfortable with the vampire's eagerness which is why Eric marched towards them, his hand engulfing Gemina's arm as he softly bumped against Isabel, "That's close enough." he warned coldly, his gaze focused on Gemina. 


Bill wanted to rage out, to throw things at Eric- rage against his foolishness and lack of concern for human life- for Sookie and Gemina's short lives. How could he accept Sookie's messed up plan? He's very well aware of the risks and dangers that they would be facing which is precisely why Bill cannot comprehend Eric's lack of protesting. He saw the look on his face when Sookie brought up the plan- when Gemina nodded in support. So why hold his tongue? 

Don't get Bill wrong, he is just as frustrated if not angry at Sookie for once again risking her life, but Sookie was human. Eric knew better. Isabel and Stan knew better. Now it's not one human but two. He could only think that Gemina agreed to this because she knows that if she didn't, Sookie will still go on ahead with the plan. 

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