Goodbye, Mr. Northman

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Chapter 24

Goodbye, Mr. Northman.

It's been a few days and yet the scene still played out in Gemina's head as if it just happened a moment ago.

Silence. It was the palpable and raw silence that caged her as she stared right at Fangtasia's closed doors. The wind picked up and seemingly took pity on her as it gently brushed her hair out of her ears, hiding her broken face. She could feel his eyes on her through the camera and she boldly looked up at it. Her feet stayed glued to the ground while her heart stationed itself just below it, like scum. Gemina was aware she was acting pathetic and yet she couldn't bring herself to leave. 

10 more minutes and she was done. She could only let herself look like a fool so much. 

As the agonizing seconds and minutes ticked by, she could feel the bricks around her pile up one by one. Hope was flushed out by sadness. Sadness won over by anger. 

Her chin shook as the lump on her throat grew. Eric wasn't coming. 9 minutes and 59 seconds passed before Gemina nodded to herself in defeat. Sookie and Jessica watched with bated breath as she wordlessly turned her back from Fangtasia to make her way towards the van. The two childhood friends' eyes connected and Sookie offered her an empathetic smile. But Gemina stayed unmoved, taking her seat furthest away from Fangtasia as though that would somehow help her with the rejection. 

Sookie's heart grew anxious as she watched her from the rearview mirror. 

Gemina has closed herself off. 

Each replay felt even more painful than the last and yet her mind cannot follow her heart's desires to stop. Fangtasia's bold doors have never felt so unwelcoming and yet as she looked back on herself staring right at it until the hairs on her arms stood up in protest, it felt as though she had the rug underneath her snatched just when she found her balance again. 

While Gemina was lost in her own thoughts, Jason was bothered by the sight in front of him. Two of the most important women in his life were operating like a robot and a zombie. Sookie hasn't stopped cleaning, the floors have been mopped shiny, the chinaware polished into diamonds, dust cleared as though they've never been there, and the furniture rearranged like they were in a showroom. His sister was suffering vampire Bill's disappearance and he hated that he couldn't do much about it. 

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