It Was An Honour

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Chapter 20

It Was An Honour

It was Gemina that pulled back with a slight gasp. Her head was spinning with the tidal wave of emotions flooding in her mind. Him and her just felt so right that it felt wrong. Eric's hand shot up towards her nape as he pulled her back in, lulling her into a deeper sense of him. Of them. Their lips and tongue moved in the perfect rhythm. Everything around them became blurry but one thing became clearer. Their attraction towards each other was undeniable. And now, it has been sealed with a kiss. 

A hum escaped his lips as a silent gasp for air escaped hers. Eric's eyes fluttered as he took in her image. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were angrily red and plump. Her chest heaved up and down as she tried to keep her composure. Gemina's eyes were glazed over as she took him in herself. Eric watched with intense focus as Gemina fixed her tussled hair with an embarrassed rush. A smirk made its way towards Eric's lips as Gemina stood up tall while he arched his neck to look up at her. 

"Come on." she called out softly, looking down at him with a soft glint in her eyes. She couldn't help but shudder at how great he looked kneeling in front of her. Her heart sung as she watched him focus only on her. Eric held a tunnel vision for her. Gemina caressed his chin gently as she watched him stand up to her height. It was too tempting to get lost in each other once more but one look at their surroundings, Gemina immediately disciplined herself. Priorities. "We gotta help the others." Gemina said as she pushed past Eric to go and help. 

Gemina went around the whole room, mindlessly taking silver shards out of the vampires' skin, one after the other. Who would've thought she would be a makeshift nurse for some vampire coalition? Not her. Some flinched at her, hesitant about letting her touch them. Another human, they thought. They've had enough humans for the day. But once they realised that she was only there to help, and nothing more, they wordlessly obliged, even pointing spots she missed. 

She felt fulfilled, having helped heal not only a bunch of vampires, but also their human companions. But that feeling was immediately thwarted once she saw Isabel standing beside Stan's body. She felt her heart drop as she watched as Isabel's face flushed with sorrow. No. Gemina marched towards her and kneeled beside Stan, shaking him awake. She was in denial. "I just talked to him." Gemina insisted, shaking Stan even more when Isabel put a hand on her shoulder, "He's gone, Gemina." 

Gemina shook her head as she recoiled away from Stan. She hated him for what he did, sure, and she would never forgive and forget but she didn't want him dead. No! And especially not when his death was the trade off for her life. Stan didn't hesitate when he shielded her, he held her tight and kept her safe. Isabel watched as Gemina wordlessly pushed herself up from the floor and turned towards her. "He saved me, you know?" she whispered, looking down at Stan's rigid body. 

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