Not The Blood's

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Chapter 4

Not The Blood's

There was a splay of empty alcohol bottles in front of Gemina as she tried hard to drown her sorrows. Dawn's dead body plagued her mind. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't eat. She couldn't even work properly.

They said she was in shock. That she was traumatised.

She agrees. Being the one to see Dawn's body took a toll on her. Tears flooded her cheeks as she looked at the glass in her hand. Fangtasia. A blonde vamp suddenly flashed in her mind.

As if a switch that's been turned on, she stood up without warning and snatched her car keys from the holder and ran to her car.

The destination?



She stormed towards the blonde vampire sat smugly on the throne and glared at him. Pam moved to block her when Eric raised a hand to stop her. Amused, the vamp looked at her with a smirk, "To what do I owe the pleasure?" His voice was low and uninterested.

Gemina stared hard at the vamp, her eyes filling with tears once again. The vamp took notice of her rushing heart and low body temperature. She was enraged. Her demeanor entirely different than when he first saw her. "Did you kill her? Did you do it?" She questioned, her expression already accusing him. Being totally honest, none of them gave a rat's ass about what she was talking about. Humans die. That's what they're designed to do.

The lack of answer was a trigger to Gemina who sobbed, "Oh God!" She wailed, running towards the bathroom stall. There, she puked her guts out. Her 4-hour drive was spontaneous. She was dangerously on autopilot the whole time as her mind was still in Bon Temps.

Hearing - well, not hearing it from the horse's mouth was like a punch to her gut. Like a judge slamming down her gavel, it finally settled in that Dawn was really and truly dead. She wanted to demand-no-beg, for the vamps to bring her back but she couldn't do that to her friend. It wasn't right for her to force dawn into becoming something she wasn't just because she wasn't ready to let go.

Nobody from Bon Temps know where she has been. All they know is that she needed space to recuperate after seeing that awful and traumatising scene.

She was sitting in silence when a familiar vamp suddenly busted the door open. Her eyes almost popped out of her sockets when the vamp grinned once he saw her, "Found you!"

Outside the toilets, Pam received Sookie and Bill with a sarcastic enthusiasm. As they walked deeper into the bar, Sookie looked over to Bill, "Jason just texted me that Gemina is nowhere to be seen." She whispered, worry laced in her tone. Seeing Dawn's body messed Gemina up big time. They often saw her staring off into the distance with her hands tight in a fist. Bill found himself feeling for Gemina. She has been very sweet to him, greeting him with a sweet smile, and being pleasant. 

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