Where Is She?

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Chapter 16

Where Is She?

"I'm going to make you suffer." 

Gemina woke up with a startled gasp, her throat felt tight while her chest heaved up and down. Droplets of something cold decorated her arms and she quickly wiped it off, following the trail of where it was coming from, only to realise that she had woken up crying and sobbing. She sniffed and wiped her wet cheeks before shaking her feelings off. 

"Where are you?" Eric's booming voice lacked gentleness or patience. His hands shot up to her neck with his hold tightening each second that passed by without her answer. Gemina gasped and clawed at his hand, her voice squeaking at the pressure. She was visibly struggling to breath but Eric refused to let up, his eyes dark with rage. 

She took a deep breath before splashing her face with some cold water, wanting to just forget her nightmare, forget the deep pit in her stomach and to just go on with the plan they had agreed about. Just a little earlier than originally planned. She brushed her teeth roughly as snippets of her nightmare played out in her head, her eyes brimming with tears once again. 

She was forced down to her knees by Eric's sheer strength and she looked up at him with desperation, "Please, believe me." she sobbed before caressing his hand, trying to persuade him from thinking the worst of her. Hot tears cascaded down her cheeks as he loosened his grip, momentarily being filled with relief until he dropped down to her level and scathingly whispered, "I'm going to make you suffer." in her ears. 

Gemina spat out the foam and held onto the sink, dropping her head down as she tried to breathe in and out to calm herself. It felt all too real to be a nightmare. Her neck felt sore and there was a roughness in her throat that compelled her to think that somehow, the confrontation with Eric was real. That he really did hold so much contempt for her that he promised a lifetime of suffering. But that was impossible, right? 

Gingerly, she made her way to the shower and flicked it open, peacefully watching the water pour down and seep through the drain. If only all her problems and fears would wash down like this, she'd be so light and peaceful. She let out a sigh as she let her clothes fall down to the floor before letting out a groan when her bare foot touched the wet floor. Turning the handle to the side, she watched as steam engulfed the room, letting herself forget everything for a moment. 

Gemina could feel Eric's questioning eyes while Sookie and Isabel went through the plan very quickly. "It'll be quick." She heard Sookie explain while trying to push Bill back with a hand on his chest. He was proving hard to control as he opposed to every single thing Sookie was trying to say. Bill was very vocal and loud about being against this very risky plan while Eric could only stare at Gemina with shadowed eyes. 

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