Fangs of the Devil

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Chapter 25

Fangs of the Devil

The smell of freshly washed clothes never ceased to bring about a sense of calm for Gemina. She had clothespins decorating the hem of her shirt like a fringe and her short left open to reveal her bright bikini bottom. Bon Temp's sun was hot and bright, making it a great day for her to get her tan on. She grumbled as the clothesline swayed in the wind, wrapping the wet sheet all around it. "Why is this so goddamn high anyways?" she muttered, angering herself even more. 

Her basket by her feet tumbled over, spilling the newly washed clothes on the grass. This day was not off to a good start at all. Throwing her hands in the air in frustration, she cursed, "You're fucking with me, right?" she glared at the inanimate basket, contemplating whether to marinate in her temper or to do the right thing and just pick it up when a hand beat her to it, picking it up for her. She frowned as her eyes trailed from the hand up to the face - an unfamiliar one at that. 

He was obviously unfamiliar with the place with the way he was dressed. Business suit on, clean shaven and with a superior tilt in his head. Gemina scoffed at the smirk he gave when his eyes dropped to her open shorts, "Can I help you?" she asked, taking the basket from his hand and snatching the fallen underwear from his fingertips. He pouted mockingly at her vexation, "You have a nice house." he smiled, pointing at her house behind her. She refused to follow his finger and kept her stare strictly on him, "So you trespassed just to tell me that?" she waved between him, and his car parked at the end of her driveway. 

His sense of entitlement is palpable with the way he carelessly parked smackdab in the middle of her driveway, and the shocked raise of his brow at her response testified that thought. He struggled for a response for some time before he chuckled to himself, "Got quite the bite, huh?" he shook his head, wiping his brow. Gemina rolled her eyes before fishing for her phone, wordlessly dialing for Sheriff Bud's office. Keeping her eyes trained on the man before her, she waited for the pickup and when Kenya's voice came through, she smiled, "Hey Kenya, it's Gemina. There's a man that has trespassed on my property and is now-"

Her phone was suddenly snatched from her hand, "No need for that." he 'tsked', shutting her phone swiftly before producing a calling card. Gemina was taken aback by this, but she remained in her place, reading the card in his outstretched hands. 'Real Estate Agent' it says, so he wants her to sell her house to him. "You seem like the type of guy who yearns for more." Gemina gestured to him to which he nodded in agreement, "You're not wrong about that." he smirked, giving her a once over. 

Gemina smiled back, "Yeah, because you just added a chargeable offence to your list." she deadpanned, making his grin drop. A scowl made its way onto her lips before she stretched her hand out, "Give me back my phone before I exercise my right to defend my property." she warned, her mind zoning in on his tires that are conveniently lifted on her driveway. The man, instead of heeding her warning, chortled at her, "You're amazing." he shook his head, giving her phone back. 

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