Good evening, Miss Smithers

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Chapter 13

Good evening, Miss Smithers

Bill felt uneasy leaving Sookie and Eric alone to talk and argue, knowing that Sookie's temperament can light up Eric's miniscule fuse. However, he made a promise to Sookie, to also take care of Gemina and treat her as Sookie's sister. He has long realized just how loving and empathetic Gemina is, from the first time they have locked eyes. When everybody looked at him with anger, fear or malice, Gemina's gaze was welcoming and open.

Sookie's stories and words of affection about Gemina made it so that Bill felt that he could trust her. Her loyalty was one of her strongest suits but could also be her downfall. She was a selfless person, and the look on her face once she found out that Eric has been torturing her friend, made Bill nervous for her. She looked so out of it, like a broken vase in a house viewing.

"You know what's embarrassing?" she asked with a low chuckle. Bill could feel the embarrassment and betrayal rolling off of Gemina like a wave pool and her words were nothing but a soft whisper. Gemina didn't understand why confiding something this heavy with Bill came easy. Although it could be because he got the stamp of approval from Sookie- well, more than a stamp. 

With his silence, she took this as her chance to spill, "I naively thought that him and I were reaching something." 

She fiddled with her lips in shame. What a naive thought. Eric had hundreds of years before him and she was just one of the many years to pass. Bill sighed and debated on telling her the same- that he and Sookie had noticed her and Eric's inkling towards each other. Gemina's thoughts become too loud for Sookie not to hear whenever Eric's name was mentioned. She tried her hardest not to listen- a difficult feat when Gemina's thoughts were legitimately screaming. 

Bill put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "It's not naivety, Gemina." he countered her gently. It wasn't naivety that brought about those thoughts, it was her humanity. Humans felt their emotions on a more critical albeit superficial level since their lives were all on a time crunch. When a feeling arrives in their radar, it gets snatched almost immediately and placed onto their vulnerable hearts. 

Gemina was a smart woman. Very emotionally intelligent and composed. Sure, she slips here and there but Bill hasn't seen Eric this affected in a long time. Eric's gaze falls on her with every word he mutters, like only Gemina's reaction mattered to him. But feeding this to Gemina would be wrong of Bill. He of all people would know just how dangerous it really is for anybody to mingle with Eric Northman. 

He had too much baggage and darkness in him. 

With an appreciative smile, Gemina gave him a brief hug before looking back at Eric and Sookie who were now making their way back to them. It seems they have reached a common ground. Eric glanced at Bill with a slight stint in his eyes before looking at Gemina. With the look on her face, Eric knew that their dynamic has shifted exponentially. There was no softness in her eyes, no familiarity in her lips. It was like looking at a stranger. 

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