Eric Felt Alive

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Chapter 19 

Eric Felt Alive

The moment the muzzle touched her cheek, Gemina's snapped. Her elbow flew to Luke's nose, knocking Luke to his ass. It felt like a trigger had been pulled and Gemina was a raging bullet. Maybe it was the familiar sensation of having a gag or the rough hands on her skin, who knows? All Gemina saw was blood. Her heart painfully sped up as her blood pumped twice as fast. Her knees flew towards the other soldier's groin, dropping him to the ground. Gemina kicked the man's face, producing blood. So much for 'No blood will be shed tonight.' 

'Behind you!' 

Sookie's voice felt like an afterthought but even so, she turned around with her fist swinging wildly only to be met by the end of Steve's gun. Shit. Gemina stilled, taken aback. There was no doubt that Steve would have no problem pulling the trigger. Eric thrashed against his silver chains when Sookie called out for Gemina. What are they doing to her? Sookie's eyes flew towards Eric as she heard him panicking. Steve's eyes were wide and his grin was malicious as he stared Gemina down, "We welcomed you into our home, fed you, clothed you. And this is how you repay us?" he seethed, turning the safety of his gun off. Steve's whole body shook at the thought of Gemina snaking her way into the people's hearts only to leave a cavity in it. 

The audacity of this whore. 

Gemina was hearing him but she wasn't listening. Tell Eric to stop moving. She was getting distracted by the hissing of his burning flesh. He was hurting himself even more than he already is. Gemina's silence and lack of reaction pissed Steve off to a heightened level and so he turned to his folks, "Hear me now my brothers and sisters! This traitorous whore would be shown no mercy!" he boomed as the people cheered. Gemina huffed a humourless chuckle when Steve held his hands up, as if he was the one on the cross. Hearing her side reaction, he held the gun with his two hands and pursed his lips in concentration. 

"I'm condemning you back to hell." he rebuked with a disgusted grimace. 


Sookie's head whipped towards the direction of Bill's booming voice. The doors slammed against the church's walls, shaking everybody in their boots. Gone was the ever-so-gentle and ever-so-kind look on his eyes as him and Sookie's eyes met, much to both of their relief. Steve jumped in surprise, the shock making him loosen his grip on the gun. As everybody stared at the seething vampire, Gemina jumped into action, punching Steve's throat to snatch the gun from his hand. "Oh, no you don't!" Luke's voice pinged against her ears as strong arms held onto her neck in a chokehold. 

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