I Take It It's Complicated Then

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Chapter 14

"I take it it's complicated then."

Gemina huffed and reached for the door, planning on closing it on Eric- in both a literal and a metaphorical way when his palm jutted out to stop the movement. The wooden slab of a door was no match for Eric's strength as it wobbled away from his hand. 

She was shutting him down. Shutting him off. Cutting off the fuse they started by suffocating the passionate fire in its place. Eric couldn't believe how quick she was to throw what they had just started away because of- well, it was admirable, because of her loyalty. Gemina's glare was unyielding even as he pushed the door wider, passing her by to come in. 

Eric took his surroundings in with his hands behind his back, wanting to show Gemina that he was behaving as she hated it when he nosily went through her stuff before. See? Changes. "You liking the room?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder. As stubborn as a mule, Gemina kept her distance, leaning her back against walls. 

Her fists were tightly wound as she tried to keep her heart beat at bay. Having Eric in her room was dangerous- her head was swirling at their proximity even though they were both at each ends of the room. Gemina's eyes raked Eric's body from the top of his head down to his toes, his blonde hair was in disarray, like it has been combed over without thought. His black shirt was undone, while his pants hung low. 

"Yes. Thank you." she responded formally. 

Eric snorted at her reserved tone and turned around to look at her with a soft smirk. There, he took in the sight before him. Gemina was propped up against the wall, stiff as a board as she stared at him as though he was a dark cloud floating in the room. Well, for her, he definitely was. 

Even mad and reserved, Gemina looked soft under the dim lights of the room. Her black hair had subtle curls as it draped down, just a little above the crease on her arm. Gemina's forehead was creased and her brows perked up in an angry arch but her lips remained a gentle frown. Eric could feel and see the internal battle that was brewing behind her eyes. 

"I'll just stay in the other room, then." Gemina muttered, making her way out of the room into his. She thought that if he was to stay in this room, she could just go and take his. Like a trade. But that wasn't what Eric was going for. He wanted to talk, to clear the air. It was unfair for her to be mad at him for bringing justice for the death and torture of their own. 

Eddie's maker felt every single thing- him being drained, him exploding into pieces, and even the faltering hope that came and went in his mind. 

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