You're Okay Now

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Chapter 9 

You're Okay Now

René crossed his arms and leaned his back against the cold white wall as he watched as Jason hung his head low in deep thought. His fist itched as images of Gemina's wrapped up body flashed in his mind. The look on her face once she realised he wasn't there as her rescuer was poetic. It was such a waste. She was truly beautiful but she just had to go and mingle with those fang bangers. 

Only a matter of time before she became one. 

"Any news 'bout Gem, René?" 

Jason's solemn voice brought him back from his reverie as he looked up at Jason through his lashes. He watched the dark storm on his face before crossing his arms, "Nah, man." he answered, his tone solemn as he shook his head in feigned distress. 

René watched as Jason's eyes turned teary and his chest heaved up and down in panic. That news just threw him out of the water. Jason was trying hard to grasp onto something, hold onto some sliver of hope that somehow, someway, Gemina wasn't dead and she'll tell him that it wasn't him who was killing people. That she'll pop up out of nowhere and slap him awake, chastising him for acting on his emotions. 

That Gemina will wake him up from this nightmare. 

"Fuck!" Jason cried out, punching the wall in frustration. What have I done? The cell echoed his cries as the bars shook in intensity. She really isn't coming back. He paced the cell room as René watched in silence. There were no words exchanged between the two as they both paced in their own minds. 

"I'm gonna see my brother!" Sookie's voice travelled from the reception to the cells. Shit. René straightened his stance up as he watched as Sookie walked or rather, marched towards them with stiffened purpose. Her face was serious and sharp as she barely even acknowledged René all the while ignoring Andy as she was too focused on Jason. 


Upon hearing his sister's voice, Jason got up to his feet and walked towards the bars, "I'm sorry, Sookie." he breathed out, his voice laced with deep regret. The siblings both looked at each other with worry and regret, feeling like a failure for failing to protect each other like they should. As they were meant to. But although the roots of blues have already started to bloom in Jason's heart, the hope in Sookie's was stronger. 

They were so close to getting a face. So close to finding out the real killer and closer to finding Gemina. Sam's dedication and urgency paired with Sookie's desperation was a dangerous mix. Well, dangerous for Drew Marshall. 

Jason leaned his face onto his sister's comforting palms, "I don't remember how I did it. I just know that I did." he croaked out. 

How could he not think that? All leads paints him as the murderer. The lack of evidence to prove otherwise has solidified this in his mind and there was no going back. If his sister could bring Gemina back, then maybe but only until then will Jason be able to look as himself in the mirror and find happiness looking back. 

Bloody Valentina | True Blood FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora