I Hold a Grudge Now.

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Chapter 23

I Hold a Grudge Now.

Gemina let out a groan as she stretched her body out, accidentally nudging Eric sleeping beside her. His skin was a bit cold to the touch, making her flinch. Eric Northman was a gorgeous man. She turned to her side and positioned herself up so she could comfortably watch him rest. 


It was what Eric needed badly. Pam too. The past few days, Pam and Eric ran around the office, following leads after leads about Bill's disappearance but none have really nailed the nail on the coffin yet. No pun intended. Gemina smiled as Eric scooted closer towards her when she caressed his cheek. At first, she found his sleeping form incredibly creepy and odd but now, she found it extremely adorable. His jaw was relaxed and his eyes non-glaring while his lips parted slightly, completely different from his usual stoic face. 

She was sure that Eric heard her and Pam that night and have decided to give her the chance to tell him herself. He wasn't that great at keeping secrets when it came to her and the fact that he has become increasingly clingy and publicly affectionate has solidified her theory that Eric knew that she was in love with him. She couldn't help but feel that Eric was trying his hardest not to give her any chance to rethink her feelings for him as he hasn't left her out of his sight ever since that night. 

During peak hours at the club, he asked her to sit beside him at the throne, but she vehemently refused. Gemina couldn't see herself sitting still for hours on end and offered to keep the bar instead, compromising with him. Which is why she was at the bar right now, mixing drinks and conversing with the patrons. The act reminded her of her job back at Merlotte's (which she thought was probably gone by now). Sam was serious about his business which is why she wondered who got her position instead. 

The drinks were more for the humans. Which, as one of the vampire patrons have said, seasoned their blood with a good time. "Mr. Northman's gonna burn holes on your face, girly!" Ginger teased, bumping her hips against Gemina. Eric's eyes haven't left the bar the whole night which has left other humans and the dancers confused and curious. Gemina knew this. She wasn't numb. She has been blushing hard under his intense gaze. She has been spilling drinks left and right as Eric watched her like it was his own form of air. 

The hunger in Eric's eyes intensified when Gemina looked towards him through her lashes. She has been wiping the spilled drink on the bar counter when she decided to steal a glance. Mainly to check if he saw her clumsiness. Gemina found herself unable to look away, caught in his web. Eric Northman was a dangerous man, Gemina deemed. He didn't need his glamour to get people to do things for him. He just needed to look down at them with those seductive eyes and ask with his baritone voice, and even angels would clip their own wings. 

"He probably saw me spill so many drinks." Gemina chuckled, shaking her head more at herself than anything else. She was acting as though she didn't have Eric Northman on his knees, worshipping her body, just hours ago. Ginger rolled her eyes at this, "You could set this club on fire and Mr. Northman would happily roast marshmallows on the flames." she countered, looking over at the throne. There, Eric has turned himself slightly so he could focus on the bar while the topless dancer in front of him doubled her energy to hopefully grab his attention. 

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