Drew Marshall

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Chapter 7 

Drew Marshall

Gemina woke up with a pained gasp as her whole body throbbed painfully. Every inhale she took was like a stab through her chest. Her hair was matted with dried blood while her stomach displayed a darkened patch, a memory of the beatdown she experienced. Mindlessly, she moved to stand up when she was held back by the ropes tied around her torso. She shook her head roughly, in hopes of loosening up her blindfold but she was unsuccessful. She blindly felt around her bounds and realised that she her hands, her torso and her legs were bound separately. 

She angled her head up, peaking through the little slit under her blindfold and found that there was no light where she was holed in. Gemina felt her throat closing in on her as panic began to flood her body. "Shit!" she released a shaky breath as she tried to stabilise her breathing. Panicking wasn't going to get her anywhere and she had no plans of dying anytime soon. So with a fiery determination to escape, she screamed her heart out, her veins screaming with her. 


Gemina didn't know how long she was in there for, screaming and crying and begging for help and mercy but nobody could hear her. 

Nobody at all. 


Hoyt frowned as he noticed the limp in René's step, "Hey man, what happened to your leg?" he worriedly asked, staring hard at his friend's injury. Jason frowned and looked at René's legs, telling him to take a few steps again so he could see what Hoyt was talking about. He hadn't noticed his limp as he was too preoccupied with his issue with Amy. 

Even though René was all smiles that afternoon, Hoyt could tell that the limp was bothering him. It was evident at the party too. While he was dancing around with Arlene, there was a hiccup in his step but they were all too drunk to follow up on it. Following their gaze, René snorted, "Had a little too much to drink last night, must've pulled a muscle." he chuckled lightly, his accent strong and defensive. 

Jason blew a breath and shook his head, "God damn right we had too much last night." 

René watched and waited for Hoyt's expression to ease up, his eye squinting in anticipation. Hoyt took a moment before recognition washed over him. Chuckling, he waved it off, "Yeah man! Ya'll were pretty wild last night, t'was hard to keep up!" he shook his head and wiped his chin. It was pretty fun last night, everybody was up and dancing, food was great. The only thing he was worried about was Gemina. 

Hoyt watched as Jason typed furiously on his phone, "Gemina ain't responding to me anymore, man." he shook his head, pocketing his phone. Jason felt frustrated since he wanted to ask Gemina her opinion about his predicament. She would always give it to him straight and help him see through his situation. 

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