Maybe Sam was Right

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Chapter 12 

Maybe Sam was Right

Sookie's pain filled shrieks pulled Gemina's lids shut; something that didn't go unnoticed by Eric. She cannot fathom seeing pain. It was a scary thing for Gemina, watching her friend thrash uncontrollably under Dr. Ludwig's careful and knowing hands. The bubbling and frothing in her mouth brought goosebumps on Gemina's skin as she tried her best to hold herself together so as to not add on to Sookie's discomfort. The smell of her rotting flesh paired with Dr. Ludwig's concoctions was enough to sober Gemina up for the whole year. 

Gemina opened her eyes slowly once Sookie's voice dimmed, nervous by the sudden silence. Has she passed out from pain? Was she dead?

Opening her eyes was a minute-long regret as she witnessed Dr. Ludwig dig into Sookie's open wound with her bare fingers. The squelching echoed throughout the whole of Fangtasia, silencing the crickets surrounding it. The vampires exchanged tense glances at the revelation that even vampire blood could not heal her- well, Bill was tensed while the other two; curious. 

"Leave us." Dr. Ludwig's no-bullshit command was met with mixed reactions. Bill was quick to refuse and even threatened the doctor in haste but was just waved off without much of a care. She was not threatened by the black-haired vampire who seemingly cut his hair in the sun. Dr. Ludwig then turned her eyes towards Gemina who although seemed worse for wear, stood her ground by inching closer. 

Sookie wordlessly lifted her head up to look back at Gemina who swiftly kneeled infant of her, brushing away the hair on her face. Gemina could feel the scathingly impatient stare that the doctor was generously bathing her in but she ignored that too. "Sookie, d'you want to me leave?" she asked with a comforting tone, giving the girl a chance to decide. 

"Please stay." Sookie whimpered shakily, reaching out for her friend's hand. Gemina's face softened ever so slightly as she wiped the tears on Sookie's face. Eric watched carefully as Gemina unconsciously mirrored Sookie's pain- something that would never fail to astound him when it comes to her. She was like a sponge with how quickly she could momentarily squeeze out a bit of herself to make way to empathise with others. 

But all of these are not unknown to him, these are not a revelation that had just occured. He has had his fair share of human interactions and experiences. He could describe humanity and all of its essence with no difficulty. So why is it that Gemina could still astound him in such a way that he has never been before? 

Bill slammed his hand on Eric's desk in frustration. "Look, I know you could care less about me or Sookie, but this is a bigger fish that our cooked up oil could fry!" 

Eric blinked awake from his own thoughts and glared up at Bill in reflex. It seems as though him and Bill would never see eye to eye as he found him insufferably pathetic- always a mess. It was like watching a pre-pubescent teenager experience feelings for the first time in his life. Bill drowns in sentiment like a dehydrated cactus. 

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