CHAPTER TWENTY ONE- The Naberrie family?

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Padme's parents were exceptional people. I learned that the moment I stepped foot inside their home, warmth and light surrounding every surface, a beautiful family photo of the parents with two daughters. Them being, Padme and her older sister Sola. I was also shocked to learn Padme's family name was actually Naberrie and not Amidala.

Her mother, Jobal, was quick to greet the three of us as we entered the mansion, asking a plethora of questions to not only Padme but Ani and I as well. She asked us about the trip through hyperspace and if we were hungry at all, which considering I was, was a wonderful question...

Now I'm eating an apple as Anakin gives the whole "we'll protect your daughter" Jedi spewl. Geez apples are yummy. Not the green ones, though. Too sour. They hurt my teeth.

"---and I swear on my life. Your daughter is in the best hands." Anakin said, rounding off his little speech as he walked alongside Padme's father Ruwee.

I couldn't help but smile at Anakin's determination to prove he was going to protect Padme. It felt... Genuine? Like I had a feeling he actually meant it. I looked at Padme's father as he took Ani under his wing and sighed. Maybe it was the moment Anakin looked like a real person instead of a hot headed Jedi, but I felt at ease. Maybe even a bit relieved.

I didn't see Anakin as the kind of guy who would be good at meeting parents, and maybe that's because I'm so used to his casanova ways and arrogant face. Yet here he was once again proving me wrong. He did that often.

I watched as Anakin and Padme's father had a heart to heart, their expressions a mixture of joy and seriousness. Ruwee clearly didn't trust anyone with his daughter, but was willing to give Anakin a chance, despite me standing right beside him.

I smiled gently and took another bite of my apple.

"It is our mission to protect her, but beyond that I consider your daughter to be a great friend." Anakin assured him, putting a hand on the man's shoulder, "It's my honor that I have the duty of ensuring her safety."

Padme chuckled, "Anakin and Vaesella are still just Padawan's, but who knows...." She looked the two of us up and down, "I think they're going to make fantastic Jedi Knights." Her words were obscenely high praise in my opinion, but holy fuck was I not gonna deny it.

I couldn't help but smile as Padme put so much faith in us, as if we hadn't already had a million mess ups. Honestly, the fact we hadn't caused our teachers to rip their hair out by this point was a miracle. I guess I wouldn't take that praise for granted.

Anakin shrugged nonchalantly, like he wasn't worthy of receiving Padme's compliments. Ruwee nodded in approval, clearly comforted by Anakin's reassuring words.

Jobal, Padme's mother smiled at me, "Vaesella, that's a...what is it....a...." The woman paused as she tried to think of the proper term, "An Arcadian name, yes? Are you from Arcadia?"

I nodded and crossed my hands in front of my robes, "It is, and I am." I admitted. I raised an eyebrow, a little perplexed by Jobal's question. I felt comfortable in my roots, sure, but I often kept details about my planet vague. It was a bit of a sore spot for me. I guess this was a time where it would be appropriate to share that information, though, "From Arcadia, I mean." I replied.

Her eyes shifted to Anakin, "And you, young man?"

"Tatooine." He muttered.

I sighed inwardly, watching how quickly Jobal shifted her attention to Anakin. He was clearly less of a fan of sharing details about himself than I was. The older woman studied Anakin, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took him in. I waited for what she would say next, feeling both nervous and curious about what she might say.

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