CHAPTER FIVE- Behind the scenes of Vaesella

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As the hours passed, I didn't see a single other Jedi for the rest of the night. Instead I meditated, and once I was finished with that I went back to the same place I started this morning. In bed. My blankets enveloped me whole, soothing me to the very core. I yawned and gave myself a big stretch.

As I lay in bed in the dimly lit room, trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened today, I couldn't help but notice how quiet everything was. Despite the late hour, there was no sound of movement coming from outside. It was so peaceful and tranquil. It was almost as if nothing else in the world existed except for me and my bed. I felt a sense of relief, like the world had finally slowed down enough to let me catch my breath. In that moment, I felt safe and secure in a way that I had never experienced before.

Faintly I thought of home. The one I came from.

As I lay in bed, the thoughts of home returned, as they always do when my mind wanders. Thinking back to my home was both interesting and bittersweet. On the one hand, it was nice to remember the sounds and friends I had once known there. But on the other hand, it was painful to think about all of the good times that were forever lost. In my mind's eye, I could see the smiling faces of my parents, the frozen mountains of my home village, and the warm embrace of my family.

That was when I first got my companion droid, Gage.

In those early years, Gage was my best friend. He was there for me through every obstacle and challenge I faced. From long walks through the mountains to helping me explore wild caves, Gage was always by my side. In some ways, I felt like I could always depend on him more than I could depend on myself. As I grew older, my relationship with Gage changed. We were no longer just buddies but partners. Together, we tackled everything from hunting wild animals to navigating uncharted territories.

Though for his safety I was more content leaving him on the shuttle, the Leviathan feeling like the best place for him.

On the off hand, my home was a constant thought when I saw him. Gage was A gift from my father, so it was only natural that I saw the large robot in the same light. He'd been with me since birth.

Despite the cold winters, I loved growing up on that icy planet, surrounded by the icy mountains and frozen rivers. There's something about the beauty of that planet's landscape that I have always loved. Even the way the ice crackles and shatters in the cold wind made a strange sort of music to me. In many ways, that planet felt like home.

While the weather that year was unusually cold and harsh, my family made sure to keep me safe and comfortable. My mother would always tuck me in tightly in bed each night while my father stayed up late watching over the farmlands. My little brother would sometimes join her, keeping me safe from the cold. It was only natural to feel safe in their embrace, surrounded by their warmth and love.

Zarina Nanite, my mother. Kol Nanite, my father.

Atreas Nanite, my little brother.

Pa' was usually kind and caring, always doing the best he could for our family. He was my father and always would be. But he was different somehow that day. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something just felt off.

His eyes had looked tired and weary, like he hadn't slept in days. He seemed distant and detached from his usual warm self. Even as a small child I could see it. It felt like I could see everything.

Ma' and Pa'....even my little brother.

But now I am here in my bed at the Jedi Temple.

I thought about how my life would have been different had I stayed on my home planet. Maybe I should have stayed with my family and lived safely with them instead of becoming a Jedi. The cold wind of my planet was nowhere near as harsh as the pain I felt in my heart now.

Pa' was always close to me no matter the situation. I felt a bit guilty for leaving him behind. Sometimes I would find myself glancing at him and wondering about how he was doing. But there was nothing I could do now.

Was I over thinking again? Probably. Meditate meditate.

I laid in bed and closed my eyes, emptying my brain. It's better to not think at all than to think about the past.

I tried to put those thoughts behind me and focus on the present moment. My eyes opened as I focused on the room around me. The dimly lit room was peaceful and quiet, the perfect place for meditation. I laid there for a while, focusing on my breathing and emptying my mind. Time passed and I let the peace and quiet wash over me.

Suddenly, I felt a surge of unease in my stomach, like something was bothering me. What is it? I closed my eyes and focused on my breath again. The only thing I could think of was my family.

I hated when I felt like this. I shouldn't have felt like this.

I was kinda alone. Mace Windu has been dispatched to yet another mission and informed me via watch projection and I had no-one with me. No family. My family. I couldn't miss them, though. I craved them. I wanted them, but never could I have them. As I continued meditating and focusing on my breathing, the quiet and peace slowly settled in my mind. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I had missed them so much. That I was craving them so much.

Twas such a life of a Jedi. Wanting what the force wouldn't provide.

Even in the midst of a seemingly endless stream of battles and struggles, there was still a bright side to being a Jedi. The feeling of serving a greater purpose, of sacrificing oneself for a noble principle, was fulfilling in ways that a mere mortal could never comprehend.

Indeed, there was an aura of nobility and altruism that surrounded the Jedi, and their service to a higher cause brought many of them great satisfaction and happiness. The Jedi were a constant beacon of light and hope in a galaxy often mired in darkness.

It was hard, but gradually I had come to accept my destiny as a Jedi. The power of the Force was mine to wield, but the sacrifice did not end There. Even as I embraced my Jedi heritage, I still felt a deep longing for my family. What I would give to feel their love and warmth again. The past was a distant memory, but the pain of nostalgia was palpable. I carried it with me in all my journeys and I always wished for the reunion. But the Force had other plans.

I had to trust it. Windu had once not been wise enough to do so, so with his guidance I would be different.

I slowly brought myself back to the present moment, opening my eyes and finding myself staring at the dark ceiling of my room. The feeling of missing my family still lingered, but I had managed to regain my composure and calm myself down. I took a few deep breaths and sat up on the bed. The room was still dimly lit, the silence surrounding me like a cocoon of protection. I sat up a little straighter and smiled to myself, thinking back on how far I had come and how far I still had to go.

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