Chapter Seventeen, Health.

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Wink wink.




As a new time came, as the day usually shifted, it came to light that the princess recently fell ill.

To her she thought it was nothing, the foremost indications were shortness of breath, chest distress, and abdominal aches then the issue had gotten worse.

Whenever she coughed it was unnatural, she'd cough up blood.

Not to mention, the training she'd undergone with Sukuna a day ago.

It was rough, even though he healed her with the reverse curse technique. Even the stress of being an empress, the steps were difficult and stressful.

The first to notice of her sudden sickening state were the servants who were to clean her room. After helping her to the infirmary, the news got to the ears of her parents.

Being in bed was not fun, especially if you weren't doing anything but sleeping, taking medicine, water, or food.

The need to be productive was an aching feeling that the maiden couldn't shake off. 

So, as anyone would she decided to get out of bed and walk around- to stretch her legs.

Though, when she had gotten out of bed to walk around, she heard something she'd rather not have heard. A conversation between her parents.

Usually, she wasn't an ease dropper, she'd mind her business but the way her parents spoke..sounded interesting.

So the girl took a quick look around the

Sitting down on her hands and knees, she leaned her ear against the door.  Make sure to be quiet.


Y/N's mother paced around in the room, clearly upset. Rubbing her forehead, wrinkles started to grow on her face most likely due to stress.

She was stressed out about everything.

"I'm tired of always defending and making up excuses for her" The woman rambled, her husband unbothered by the scene. In a way, he didn't take it too seriously thinking it was a mood swing.

"I'm being reasonable, not that I care." A gruff voice grumbled in response to the smell of smoke coming from their room. Most likely from the maiden's father since he was a smoker.

More of a private one because he valued public opinions just like Y/n's mother.

Though it only made the princess more curious staying still making sure not to move, to focus on the voice of her parents.

A slight frown on her face as she had an idea of what was the possible reason for the conversation.

"Not only is she a failure but she's getting sicker and sicker by the day!"
But maybe it was postpartum depression due to having her child.

"You know she's a curse so why the hell do you continue to bitch of it? Marry her off for all I care maybe she'd made a good housewife so our clan would get better benefits and status from the Suguru clan it's a damn shame that Fujiwara is away in Africa." The man scoffed scolding the woman.

However, the exchange only made the poor maiden's stomach ache unpleasantly. All because she inherited a curse she didn't have a say in, and wasn't that talented with jujutsu.

Was this how parents treat their children? As a tool?

"Complain? This is serious! She can croak any day." Her mother rambled on once more. The silhouette of her figure made hand gestures as she spoke.

Dramatic ass.

"It'll be fine, as long as that failure, is married off we won't have to worry about her anymore." The voice of y/n's father confirmed his words once more.


An uncomfortable lump formed in the royal's throat. So it was like that huh? They hated me so much they wanted to get rid of me. Veins bulged at her neck, forehead, and even hands.

Her emotions were untamed. Holding in for so long unconsciously causes something to happen.

An illusion.

That night everyone in a 50-meter radius experienced something...strange.

Their deepest fear, deepest insecurities, rejection, chastisement, regret, envy, and something deeper the possibilities of suffering. They experienced the true meaning of despair.


My mind zoned out after having a conversation with my husband. For some reason, I was spaced out, feeling as if my body weren't even there.  Seeing as the tea room shifted I flinched hearing the sudden cry of a baby. 

Turning my heel I stopped dead in my tracks looking down at my feet I saw blood on the wooden floor, my bright colored obi stained in blood my palms shook, only as I noticed there was more blood there seeing as I held scissors and a...bloody torn umbilical cord, what appeared to be my child was on the floor, unmoving, eyes wide and red, face pale almost looking blue.  Blood dripped down my leg painting my shoes in a nasty crimson color, the smell was foul.

The pain was unbearable. It was hot, and cold at the same time.

Seeing the sight I screamed my lungs out bursting into tears. My chest tightened and my breath felt short. I fell to the ground folding my chest and head.


My brows furrowed, seeing as my surroundings switched within a blink of an eye. I brushed it off, thinking it was just the weed kicking in. Yet I was confused seeing multiple stab wounds on my hands and gut looking down at a large slit in my belly causing a shriek.

I gulped walking around the grassy land, seeing as I was alone in this big field. However, what rolled at my feet made my heart accelerate at an alarming pace.

My wife was dead, eyes gouged, nearly decomposed and the stench was foul. Even my newborn child was pale, and sweaty it looked like it suffocated.

The fear made me clench my chest, tears fell, yet I noticed a detail.

A carving knife in my free hand caused me to flinch. Screaming I threw it away backing a step back my hands clutching my head as I screamed. My vision blinked as if I was about to pass out.

NEXT CHAPTER QUOTE TEASER, "You nearly killed your idiot family without even realizing it, how amusing. I wish I were there."


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