Chapter Two, Curiousity.

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After Gojo had left me alone, I was to sleep, closing my eyes I drifted off only for a few hours. However the loud fireworks seemed to disagree with my choice of sleeping, the sounds got louder with each breath I took. With an annoyed groan, I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable, only for my efforts to be in vain.

How annoying.

Sitting up with a fussy grumble, I rubbed my eyes. Sighing heavily my attention turned elsewhere, looking outside my lips pouted in thought. There was a small festival, in a nearby village not too far. It was probably midnight from the looks of it, and the thought in my head was saying one thing, 'I got to check it out'. It was intrusive and a hard urge to deny. After a minute or two of internal judgment, I finally gave up. Giving into my impulses, I got up from the edge of my bed. Before I did anything I needed to make sure the coast was clear, peeking out my window the guards packed up the courtroom, and outside my room, the security seemed a bit, tight I didn't need to look I just heard it all.

Considering I had no cursed energy, it was easier to hear than to sense a presence. But it would've been cool if I was blessed with gifts..rather than things that were natural like healthy organs, blood, and curse energy give anything for that. I didn't even have a curse technique or domain expansion. It was a pity to dwell on what could've been so I chose not to. Being alive was worth it...or so I told myself but truthfully,

I couldn't leave my siblings behind. I couldn't bear to bring them suffering.

Even though I had thought of running away, just to start anew I didn't have the guts to. I couldn't hurt anyone on purpose even on accident I felt a bit of guilt. So after checking around to make sure everything was all set for my departure I took a bath, cleansed my mouth, let my hair loose to hang, but it wasn't in my face which showed my features, and wore a pretty colored kimono was black with unique golden designs along with the family crest, A symbol of a dragon and a phoenix, on the back area of the kimono that was engraved in all of my clothes. Although I didn't know the meaning of the crest I couldn't help but admire the animals, I was a bit of a nerd when it came to animals and plants.

Life had some beauty to offer.

Without further ado or delay, I locked my bedroom door, and grabbed a pouch of money off the nightstand, since Satoru and Yuta left their money for some reason, they were so forgetful. I had always returned it but today, was different. Shrugging I shoved the money into my kimono, opened the window, and looked down. Gulping a bit anxious, it always slipped my mind I was on the 3rd floor, I wasn't the kind to sneak out often, but I was so curious I just needed to leave. Maybe I'd make a new friend.

A friend is other than a maid or a guard.

Luckily a long tree branch was near my room, carefully I tried to walk on the branch but slipped due to wearing sandals. My breath hitched nervously as my hands frantically grabbed onto anything in hopes of not dropping. When it did I bit my lip sucking up the pain, looking down I saw a grassy surface underneath which wasn't too far under my feet just feet or meters. Mentally preparing myself for the fall I finally let go after a few moments. Landing on my feet I sighed relieved then took my leave.

Walking down a dirt path, it didn't seem to be far from the palace. Smiling gingerly to myself I felt excited, in the moment I had completely forgotten about my second thoughts. Everything seemed upbeat when I finally arrived after 5 minutes or so. Wondering off I looked in awe at the festival. I had always seen it through my window or woke up to the fireworks but never got the opportunity to see for myself. Now that I had I couldn't deny how amazing it looked.

It was beautiful.

Stalls lined up, Food, Inn advertisements, Games to win a prize, Bars, Toys being sold, Pets being sold, Clothing of fine silk being sold and so much more, there was a section stall just for adults as well. The colors filled my eyes with such light I had to blink for a while to adjust, It was all so pretty, and my smile had even gotten wider making my dimples more prominent.

If anyone had seen the happy look on my face they would think of a child at an amusement park.

Gingerly I walked around buying food, grilled salmon and octopus. My parents usually fed me different food mainly land meat rather than seafood so at the moment, I was having a dandy. Claiming they wanted me to be "healthy" I never was to eat sweets-mochi, sweet buns, rolls, cakes for example. Just land-dwelling meat along with a strict diet of salad, medamayaki, fried rice that excluded shrimp, and soups.

Feeling satisfied with the food I paid a tip which was 9 gold coins, and then went on my way. I explored a bit more, being glad most of everyone didn't seem to recognize me as the princess, probably because I didn't go outside as much. For that, I was grateful I hadn't had a reputation yet. Only a few of the elderly acknowledged me, they advertised their spa and sweet treats. Being offered the sweet I wanted to decline, however, my heartstrings were tugged at making me act on emotion rather than thinking logically.

Eating sweets would probably make my condition worse, but I chose to worry about it later.

Thanking the pair of elderly citizens I then left. Though it was more of a detour, than walking home. A peak of a hill just up ahead made me follow it. Since there would be fireworks soon I was a bit excited, making a mental note to leave after the fireworks so I didn't take my free time out of proportion.

Walking around the peak I smiled fondly in awe of the sight, there were a bit of small trees that were well cut-oak trees only standing by a stump but despite that, the grass was a bit tall making me careful of my step, there was a small lake nearby, and there was a cliff as well, it had a waterfall as well as a peach tree. Giddily, I ran over but nearly tripped, my chest was beating harshly, whilst my lungs burned harshly. It took a few seconds for me to get myself together but when I did I decided not to run, just a slight jog.

My body most likely reacted badly because I never exorcised. I hadn't a day in my life, which was mainly my parent's fault. They were a bit too strict with their safety precautions for my body. My lips pursed in thought whilst walking ahead taking in the sight, of a peach tree and a rather..large stump. Though the peaches seemed full and in season, the thought of eating them made my mouth water, something else caught my sight.

An individual, wearing a white yukata, with a black edge, a dark blue scarf, white socks, and black shoes also black haori draped over his shoulders, his attire suited him perfectly. Pinkette's neck-length hair which seemed slick back and spikey, made me wonder if his hair was naturally that way. His features seemed..inhumane with four arms peeking out his yukata as well as numerous tattoos on his body and face. Even his face..seemed intimidating but beautiful. Pink plump lips, broad nose, mature face shape, eyebrows that had slips, four eyes, and even the looks of it a brown patch on his face which had two eyes- a second face.

His aura seemed malevolent and utterly wicked, which confused me because he seemed so calm.

"Who are you gawking at, your audacity is beyond me." The man's voice spoke up breaking out my admiration, sheepishly I rubbed the back of my neck. "I apologize, you're just... gorgeous. I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you." I said to him with a warm smile which the man scoffed his eyes finally opening.

Seeing the man, I couldn't help but feel curious.

Next chapter quote teaser, "I mean, I probably will I just hope it comes when I'm old

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Next chapter quote teaser, "I mean, I probably will I just hope it comes when I'm old."

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