Chapter Four, News.

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The next morning I got up, feeling all energized I smiled brightly enjoying the sun's warmth on me. Sunlight always was something I enjoyed, especially in a nice temp that was perfect. The only thing about the sun, I disliked was when its heat became harsh. In response to the heat, it began to make my skin have an allergic reaction. Red spots on my hands, heat bumps on my arms, hands, and even my feet. Feeling the sensation, it was as if I was being burned alive. Hot and if scratched the skin tears sometimes.

I could recall the time like yesterday, considering I've been tortured by my illnesses for all my life. But if you've been sick with no cure for 17 years, you eventually get used to the feeling right? 


Two years ago,

I was fifteen,  Gojo seven-teen, It had been an hour after lunch, and since I had begged my parents to let me go horseback riding I had the whole afternoon to myself. I was so giddy and happy I ran outside with my guard Gojo. "Princess be careful, don't be so hasty!" the man warned huffing resting a hand on my shoulder.

Looking up at him with doe eyes I begged him, he sighed contemplating. "Fine, You go on ahead." the white-haired man grinned playfully crouching to my level. I smiled brightly, I smiled so much my dimples popped at my cheeks. "Thank you Gojo, you're the best!" I exclaimed, my eyes shining so brightly it looked like stars filling the color.

Running ahead through the grass I paused. The sun felt  Thinking it was nothing, I took slow breaths to calm down but it worsened. Looking down at my now sweaty hands it seemed to be more red, up to my sleeves heat bumps were causing me to panic. My hands and feet itched intensely the pain of it being aided by the sun making it feel all the more terrible.

Frantically I scratched my skin, not caring about it bleeding. Due to my blood disease, my body had grown to bleed from the slightest grab. My skin was fairly sensitive,

Something I won't be accustomed to ever.

The last thing I knew was darkness.

Mentally I noted to apologize to Gojo who was sure to get in trouble. I couldn't help but feel guilty.


Getting up, I did my daily routine, cleaning myself, and fixing my hair. Unlike my siblings and parents, I didn't always let servants clean me. I wasn't keen on letting people see me naked, even if it was to clean me. 

I was not an animal that needed to be washed.

Nor did I think I was so high and mighty that I needed someone else to clean me, I was more independent. Fixing my bedsheets and pillow. The dark blue scarf on the dresser caught my attention, I pouted recalling the events of last night. As I promised, I sewed up the scarf. The condition was terrible, being ripped, dirty, loose threads hung all about. Despite the musty look, it smelled like lavender and something earthly a hint of something maybe, but I wasn't too sure. Something I couldn't describe, probably because I don't go out much. That night after the interaction I had a restful nap.

I had sewing experience so it was easy to stitch up a few things. Gathering thread, shears, and a needle, I patched up the poor-conditioned scarf. I even re-modeled its design with more silk so it would provide more comfort. When I was done I had the maid wash it for me.

Wondering off in the palace, I felt giddy for some reason. Maybe because of the previous night, I wondered if we were friends now. I pouted whilst in thought, but I came across the curse user chambers, seeing Gojo. He stood, his hands on the table as he read a scroll, his expression seemed troubled.

What was eating him?

Curious I walked over to him with a warm smile standing by his side my arms behind my back as I spoke playfully "So, what are you doing?", the white-haired male, flinched at my sudden words, turning to me his scared expression then relaxed as he sighed, shoulders slouching slightly. His hand rested on his chest sighing a breath of relief, "Don't do that, you scared me half to death. I'm just..reading the news, your father has my orders after I read this, is all." The white-haired man explained rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

My expression turned into one of understanding and I nodded, but knowing me Gojo knew I was interested.  Rolling his blue eyes under his blindfold, his hand rested on his forehead as he explained, "A four-armed, four-eyed, pink-haired curse, he fights with a spear, and is quite troublesome. Lately, he's been killing for the sake of killing, torturing,  burning villages, and kidnapping women. Not only that but he's been killing off a few of the emperor's shogun members and strongest curse users. Truly a monster."  Gojo then scoffed folding his arms and turning away leaning back against the marble table. "If it comes to it I might have to kill that thing," he murmured spitefully clicking his tongue, his lips pouting.

In a way, the curse he described sounded like Sukuna. Even if it was him it was a bit concerning, maybe if I became friends with him and got to know him perhaps even change his ways he wouldn't be terrible. Surely it would take some time but I didn't mind if it meant I had a companion. As much as I didn't want to admit, he sounded like my father. Killing for the sake of killing, torturing people who didn't deserve it.

I pouted in thought as Toru continued to explain, but I wasn't paying much attention to his words anymore.

Truthfully I was just eager to see Sukuna again, though a part of me felt a bit nervous just thinking of him.

Next chapter quote teaser, "You seem to have a talent for pissing me the fuck off"

Next chapter quote teaser, "You seem to have a talent for pissing me the fuck off"

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