{The Finals}

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The brunette girl glanced around the crowded room, taking deep breaths in and out. She tried to ignore the burning pain in her shoulder. Her forehead glowing from sweat mixed with her beautiful glowing skin underneath it. Her left hand holding Ivy's as the girls smiled looking at the audience. "Kim Seon Ho, how are we feeling after seeing your sister's performance?" The focus landed on the tall charming male who turned happily. He waved at the camera as someone handed him a microphone. His brown eyes landed on his only sister who stared at him. A small chuckle leaving his lips making a few girls gasped and squeal just at the solemn thought that he's actually here. Leah fiddled with the hems of her long sleeves as she held the microphone tighter. "I apologize in advance but I would rather tell her in person." He bowed his head respectfully. Daniel nodded his head, understanding that it was personal. His eyes shifted to members of Stray Kids who stood right besides him. They reflected the same huge grin upon their faces as they looked at the stage. "What about you, Chan from Stray Kids? Any thoughts or words of encouragement?" Chan raised his brows up in surprise.

His eyes widening as he glanced around unaware that he would get chosen to speak amongst his members. He thanked Seon Ho who handed him the microphone. The cheerful handsome male appeared on the huge monitor behind them. His brown eyes landed on Leah who scrunched her nose in happiness. "I.. Uhm.. People don't know this but me and Leah go way back. We've known each other for such a long time that it's hard for me to picture a life without her. When we met we instantly clicked creating this amazing bond. A bond between brother and sister, a bond that no one can easily break. I am extremely proud of you, I am proud to call you not only our friend, our choreographer but also our sister. It's been such an incredible experience watching you grow and accomplish every single one of your dreams. There's a difference working with you for our comebacks and watching you on stage performing. I never in a million years thought I would get this opportunity to see you shine. Congratulations, Leah, you and the girls dever this and so much more." Tears started to form in her eyes as she nodded her head. The corner of her lips turned upwards as she smiled.

The girl didn't hesitate to bow her head, her hands coming up to her chest. "I want to add something." Hyujin snatched the microphone from Chan's hands. Chan had a scolding on his face as he sent the younger boy a death glare. He eyes him up and down not loving how he snatched the microphone from him. Lifting her head up, her eyes landed on Hyujin who stood tall with a soft smile on his face. "You are one of the nicest people I have ever met. You have always been considered of those around which is something I fondly admire about you. Anytime I think back to the start of Stray Kids you're one of the first people that comes to mind. I always get excited whenever we have a comeback or a new special solo performance because it means I get to see you again. It brings this sense of  happiness and joy within me. I guess it has to do with the fact we don't see you as often as we liked.  I'm sure you know this but you mean a lot to me and the guys. I have been wishing you luck with this new chapter in your life SWF2. I have been your fan for a while and will continue to be. You're one of the few I can always go to when I need someone to talk to. So thank you truly for being there not only for me but the guys. Like hyung said, you guys truly deserve being here."

Leah threw her head back taking a deep breath in holding back her tears. She didn't think hearing them talk about her would cause her to be this emotional. She stood a few steps forwards away from her group as she raised the microphone up to her lips. "Thank you!" That's all she could truly say. She bowed her head all the way down as a tear fell onto the ground. Her right hand landed on her chest as she stood there for a second. She was the first to exit the stage holding everything inside of her not wanting to cry in front of the audience. She rushed backstage in search of a medic to check her shoulder.

Sitting in the quiet room with only the background noise of a few staff members talking to each other from the hall. She furrowed her brows deeply, a small moan of pain leaving her lips as the medic massaged her shoulder. Ivy had walked into the room alone not wanting to alarm the other girls. She wanted to know about the situation. Seeing the pain in Leah's face was enough to tell her she injured herself in the process. She held her left hand waiting for the medic to finish checking and bandaging up her injury. "It's nothing major but it's a shoulder cramp more known as shoulder pain. Is common for people who do sports, activities or have poor posture. In this case she's been overusing her shoulder to the point it has become inflated. I suggest resting in the meantime and no harsh dance practices please. Not until it's fully healed. Stretching, using cold pressed or heating pads will help." The raven haired girl nodded her head. Her eyes flickering to Leah who laid on her stomach with her right hand covering her face.

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