{More like my girl}

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They ended up getting a two hour break, to rest, get food and just hang out. The next few hours would be just as intense since there's more battles to come. Leah stood in front of Mina, who wiped her tears as the older girl's arms were wrapped around her shoulders. The brunette girl glanced around the room watching all the other teams leave. Her team had left too, giving Mina the space she needed. She has always been the most sensitive and sentimental from all the girls. They never made fun of her or made her feel bad about it. Instead they always found ways to distract her or make her laugh. They knew it wasn't something she could control. Once the tears started falling, it was over for her. She would end up having a mental breakdown. Leah patted her back, as she stared at the wall in front of her. She didn't have anything in her mind apart from needing sleep. She could feel her eyelids becoming heavy. Mina sniffed, wiping the tears from her face. She took a deep breath in, recollecting herself. She stood up from the seat, making Leah's arms fall flat next to her. The red headed didn't say anything other than offer the older girl a tight smile. Small moments like these made them so much more meaningful and memorable for Leah.

The older girl turned around to watch the girl leave, her eyes following as she walked up the steps. She kept her head low still having a few tears roll down her face. Leah sighs, as she stands there knowing what each girl has been through. It was crazy that people assumed the worst about them, when in reality they didn't even know a fraction of what they've been through in order to get here. Instead of going back to the hangout where all the girls were gathering she allowed herself to fall back onto her seat. A huge breath of air leaving her lips. Her eyes wandered over to the black board with all the team names. The only other people sitting at the stage were the group Bebe. They spoke among themselves, laughing and joking. None of the girls seemed to notice the quiet girl who stared up at the white bright lights above her. She had fallen silent, lost in her own thoughts. She couldn't help but to think back to her own parents. She knew the reason she cherished, cared, loved and took care of the girls like family. She took care of them like a mother. A mother who truly loves her kids. A mother she has but never had a mom.  Anytime she saw the girls in a vulnerable state, her mind always compared them to her younger self. She would do things her younger self wished for her own mother to do but never did.

Lusher smiled, looking up from her team. Her eyes landed on the silent brunette girl who leaned back on her seat staring up at the ceiling. She raised a brow in confusion wondering why she sat there. She shrugged it off without thinking too much about it. It wasn't until the group got up to leave where Bada saw her. Her smile fading seeing how Leah furrowed her brows deeply lost in thought. Her hands placed nicely in front of her intertwined. She sat there and stared at nothing in particular but she could tell something is on her mind. Tatter, who let out a small giggle, turned to look at the taller girl. She followed her gaze realizing she still worried about the brunette girl. The blonde girl smiled softly as she nodded her head to herself. She stood up from her seat making her way across the stage. She took a seat next to the girl, noticing she hadn't heard nor seen her at all. She truly is deep into her mind thinking of her own mother. She reached over patting her shoulder, causing her to blink a couple of times. She turned to the side looking at the younger girl with a confused face. "Unnie, what are you thinking about that's causing wrinkles to form on your forehead." Leah quickly placed her hand on her forehead, afraid that she actually had wrinkles.

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