{Worth so much more}

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"Sometimes its hard to see our own worth and how much we really mean to other

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"Sometimes its hard to see our own worth and how much we really mean to other. How importance we are to them. Remember that you are unique, you have things that make you special and importance. Surrounded yourself with beauty and things that make you feel happy."



Leah sat in the middle of her bed, with her soft gray blanket over her feet. Her knees pressed against her chest as she stared at the dark black room. The only light coming into her room came from her window. She bit her lower lip not understanding what was wrong? She felt so utterly overwhelmed with stress, anxiety and sadness. She had been put under so much pressure due to needing to prepare the dance choreography for her brother in a week. She had two days to spend with them in order to teach them the whole thing. The next thing she knew she had been thrown into a dance show competition she didn't want to be part of. In which she met two of her old teammates who didn't dare send her one glance. Although she had won the battle against Reddy that didn't mean that it didn't make her feel guilty or terrible. Let alone seeing Bada again brought her so many wonderful memories she had shared with her. She knew the whole thing that triggered her mood was her mother. Seeing her mother smile so brightly and constantly tell Felix how proud she was of him. Made something within her twitch in anger and sadness. She felt like crying but no tears would come out. Her eyes would water, making her feel as a tear could roll down any minutes but nothing. Nothing came out, not a single tear. All she could do was sit alone in silence staring at the hollow quiet darkness. Letting her consuming thoughts take over her mind.

Getting up the next morning wasn't the easiest for her. She struggled to roll out of bed, then spent ten minutes sitting there staring at nothing in particular. Her brown hair was a completely utter mess, her bottom lip had turned red and chapped from the amount of biting she had done. It was a habit of hers when she had too much in her mind. She barely got a wink of sleep last night, anyone could tell by the dark circles underneath her eyes. Finally getting out of bed she made her hot coffee in her favorite mug. Once she got changed into a gray sweatshirt and matching sweatpants. She put on some white sneakers, as she threw a black cap over her hair. She reaches for her purple mug, taking the last sip of coffee. She grabbed her red duffle bag that contained her outfit for the day, a bag of makeup and her hair products. Making her way to the front door she grabbed a black face mask covering half of her face. She wanted to go unseen today and ask for the world to leave her alone. There are times like these where she wishes she was still going to therapy. But her therapist had moved to another country and recommended others. They weren't not the same and didn't care enough about her problems like the other therapist did.

Walking into the garage where her car had been parked, she got into her car without a thought in the world. Driving towards the gated apartment her eyes slightly widen at the sight of paparazzi waiting for her. Normally they wouldn't chase or follow her, unless her brothers were with her. But ever since she's been getting more recognition for her dance and going viral on social media. People wanted to know more about her. So here they were waiting for her to come out so they could capture pictures of her. She grabbed her sunglasses from her glove compartment and placed them over her nose. She drove past them. They hadn't realized that it was her, especially when she had covered her face well enough. As she arrived at the studio she removed the mask from her face. She kept the sunglasses over the bridge of her nose trying to have the dark circles underneath her eyes. A few other group members that stayed by the entrance noticed the girl. They watched how she walked past them without looking at them once. "What's her deal?" Nob whispered to one of her group members causing them to also look up. Their eyes followed the way she fast walked past them. Hearing someone make a comment about her, Leah proceeded to pull her cap down her face. She wanted to go unseen by everyone.

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