{ Recognition }

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Leah let out a small yawn as she laid on the soft warm cozy couch in their hideout

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Leah let out a small yawn as she laid on the soft warm cozy couch in their hideout. She thought she would be the last to show up but instead was the first to arrive. The girl laid on her back with the lights off, she decided on getting a small nap in until the girls got here. She allowed her eyes to flutter close as she listened to the small sound of laughter coming from the room next to her. She didn't seem the slightest bit intrigued about what they were talking about. If anything she's glad that she and Bada are finally starting to form a friendship again. As much as it killed her inside to admit she missed the tall girl. Her heart knew better than anyone else how she truly felt. She would forever miss her no matter what. Bada had become such a huge part of her life. That whenever she woke up the next day and she hadn't received any calls or messages from her. Her entire world came crashing down. For the longest she couldn't feel the ground beneath her feet. Instead she felt like her entire body floated around the earth unable to find its destination or purpose in this world. Bada wasn't just her best friend but the first girl she ever saw as a woman. A woman she could not have at the time. Leah would blame it on the age difference but she knew that wasn't true. From the beginning Leah knew that Bada wasn't into girls.

She was straighter than a cutting board could ever be. So whenever she started to develop feelings for her she couldn't help but feel disappointed in herself for feeling such a way. Especially when Bada would always talk to her about certain boys that peaked her interest. Even now she wasn't sure if the tall girl had changed perspectives or her way of thinking. Although she could still see her best friend within her, she could also see a new side of her she didn't know before.

It didn't take long for the rest of her group to arrive. They gathered around the couch trying not to wake up the older girl. They could all tell how extremely tired she was by how pale her skin had become and the dark circles underneath her eyes. While she slept Ivy took the chance to do the girl's makeup knowing she would appreciate it afterwards. She didn't want her to rush to get ready for the challenges of today. So she liked to help whenever she could. Leah's eyes fluttered open at the feeling of hairs against her lips, she groaned turning to the side. Her brows furrowed in confusion as her eyes adjusted to the bright light. "Good morning, sunshine." Ivy spoke, as she finished doing her red iconic lipstick. The brunette girl nodded her head not saying anything in return. She still felt extremely tired and couldn't wait for this day to be over. She truly needed sleep more than ever. Once the raven haired girl finished, Leah sat up on the couch glancing at all the girls in the room. Somehow they all manage to snuggle themselves onto the couch with the girl. Ivy sat next to her on the edge of the couch, Yujin sat at the far end placing Leah's feet on top of her lap. Mina cuddles onto the older girl also processing to fall asleep with her makeup done. Meanwhile Miyeon sat on the sofa arm doing her makeup.

The leader of the group cleared her throat as she ran her fingers through her hair. Her eyes still blinked a few times adjusting to the lighting in the room. She sat there for a minute without saying a word. To others it seemed as if she had zoned out. In reality that's how her mind copes with waking up and processing the fact that people were around her. She's still half asleep, all she did was nod her head as the girls around her spoke to each other. Miyeon handed her an iced coffee, seeing that the girl needed it more than ever. Another small yawn left her lips as she took the cup. She placed the straw in between her lips as she started to slowly drink it. Well at least she thought it was slow because by the time she pulled her lips away from the straw. She had drank half of the coffee, she could feel it within herself how it was slowly starting to wake her up. Ivy who's eating fruit, sitting on the ground in front of the couch. She reaches her hand out offering a piece of pineapple to the brunette. Leah didn't question it, instead she moved closer letting the older girl feed her. If there was someone in the world Leah trusted most apart from herself, if Ivy. Both girls met a year after her old dance group had broken up. She trusted her with her entire life. They grew up together and came up with the idea of forming a dance group together.

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