{Bada's Past}

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As the group continued to talk over which group they wanted to send to the elimination battle. Ivy leaned closer to Leah whispering into her ear. Her eyes accidentally making eye contact with Lusher who offered her a kind smile. Her eyes glanced at Tatter who sat next to her, she leaned closer to her. "You don't think they'll choose us?" She bit her acrylic nail as the younger girl next to her shook her head. She glanced at Leah's direction seeing how concentrated she was in the matter. She even went as far as taking her cap off, she ran her fingers through her hair. Tatter opened her mouth and said something only for their leader to beat her to it. "I doubt it." Bada spoke softly, leaning back towards the girls. Even with the older girl reassuring them, they couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. Anything could happen in these types of shows including being stabbed in the back by one of your close friends or your team mates.

"Is it because we're one of her favorite groups?" Kyma asked out of pure curiosity. A small smile on her face feeling extremely happy having the opportunity. Not only to meet her inspiration but to get to be friends with her as well. Bada bit her lower lip glancing at Leah who threw her head back in frustration, her eyes rolling shut. She nodded her head listening to her group. "No.. Since I've known her she's always been extremely strategic with her opponents. She knows how to differentiate her job and her feelings." The girls all nodded waiting for the results. Leah turned around as a staff member handed her a microphone in which she gladly took it. She thanked the woman as she fixed her cap. She stood up from her seat allowing the crews across from her to get a better view of her. She licked her lips with a straight face not showing any type of emotion. Clearing her throat she brought the mic up to her red lips not wanting to wait any longer. "The crew we chose is..."

Her eyes shifted to her team who offered her a kind smile. Kirsten intertwined her hand with Latrice, she bit her lower lip pleading that her friend hadn't chosen them. The only thing running through the silver haired girl's mind is, 'Please.' Lusher and Tatter both held onto each other afraid that their name might be called out. Although they did trust the older girl, and Bada's judgment they still couldn't help but feel a bit of anxiety. "Before I say the name I just want you guys to understand we did it based on the scoreboard and it felt the most fair to us. So we will have Ladybounce and Mannequeen battle." The rest of the groups let out a huge sigh of relief. Leah nodded her head offering them a kind smile. She took a seat next to Ivy who rubbed her back. The camera in front of them focused on how touchy and close they were to one another. "Eternal, BEBE, One Million and Jam Republic will go to the live finals."

Kirsten turned to face Latrice feeling this weight of her chest lift up. She felt like she could finally properly breath once again. She took a deep breath in, patting her chest. "My blood is still trying to get back to moving." Latrice spoke as she shook her hands in front of her.

As Daniel went over asking both groups how they felt about battling each other. Bada's brown eyes couldn't help but wonder over to her girlfriend. The most gorgeous girl she's ever laid eyes on, who laid her head against Ivy's shoulder. She basically cuddled into her side with her eyes closed as she took breaths in and out. Her cap hid most of her face as she tried not to focus on the lingering feelings from earlier. Halo's words continued to run through her mind, something she never imagined could ever happen. 'I also know how hard it must have been for you.' That sentence alone made her crumble into a million pieces. No one has ever dared relate to her let alone put themselves in her shoes. The only other person who has ever truly understood her is Chan. He too has been through similar situations like her, where he had to give his everything to his group. He would take all the hits making sure that they were fine. All of it had made them stronger and better leaders for their groups. Which is why many fans could see some similarities of Chan within her, and some similarities of Leah in Chan.

The Devils Temptation {Bada Lee}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu