{ Her past }

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"Still healing from things I don't speak about, I just take it day by day

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"Still healing from things I don't speak about, I just take it day by day."



After a long day of intense battles, the leader of the group stretched her body. Feeling her shoulders starting to get sore. She rolled her head around hearing her neck pop in the process. It's something she actually loved doing. A lot of people thought it scary and weird, because any wrong movement and your neck can snap in half. She always laughed at them telling them she's been doing it for years and nothing has happened yet. Plus she also didn't really fear death, if anything she feared her life taking a wrong turn of events. Letting out a small yawn, she pinch the bridge of her nose ready to go home. She wanted nothing more in life right now than to be under her bed covers. Unfortunately she would not be able to do that for a couple of hours. She still had to go check in with the staff crew of the theater they would be performing tomorrow. She had been one of the five people assigned to make sure everything was good for tomorrow's show. Scratching the back of her neck, her eyes fell on the beautiful bouquet of flowers that sat in a white porcelain vase with all the member names. The corner of her lips turned upwards at the solemn thought of her small family she had formed over the years. She couldn't be more thankful to have the girls in her life.

Grabbing her bag from the couch, she headed out the door, closing it right behind her. She raises a brow of surprise at the sight of Bada, Ivy and Akamen talking outside the room. She wondered why they were all just talking out here? Instead of finding a room or doing it down stairs. "Leah-ah, you're leaving already? That's a surprise. You're normally the last one to leave." Ivy giggled, as she wrapped her arms around the shorter girl's shoulders. Leah rolled her eyes playfully, she hugged the older girl. A smile on her face as she tapped her small back. She pulled away as Ivy's brown eyes scanned her face seeing the dark circles underneath the makeup she wore. The brunette girl turned to face Akanen, she bowed her head in respect offering her a kind smile. Bada smirked as her eyes traveled down her body, she leaned back against the wall shoving her hands into her front pockets. Although the shooter girl didn't turn to look at her she could still feel her eyes burning holes on the side of her face. "I wish that was the case, but I agreed to double check everything for tomorrow's show."

She played with the straps of her duffle bag, adjusting it on her tight sore shoulder. She honestly didn't know how she would be able to perform tomorrow. Her shoulders were starting to kill her. It also didn't help the fact she would stay awake late reading stories on her phone. She would always giggled at her non-existing relationships she had with the main character. "Right, I forgot you agreed to that. Do you want me to go with you? We can finish a lot faster." The raven haired girl offered, seeing how tense Leah's shoulders had become. She shook her head, not wanting her to go. She would rather handle everything on her own, than apply more stress on her team members.

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