{Hwasa Mission}

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The couple rushed into the set holding hands, knowing they were extremely late

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The couple rushed into the set holding hands, knowing they were extremely late. All because Bada didn't want to get up from bed. Instead she tugged on the blanket pulling it over her head. She also laid her entire body on top of Leah's making it hard for her to push her off. Anytime she did try to move, Bada would cling onto her body together. At one point she did manage to get off her hold only for her to grab her ankle causing her to fall back onto the bed. The taller girl getting back on top of her not giving her much of a chance. She tried pushing her off only for Bada to grab her hands and pinned them up behind her. They fought each other for about twenty minutes until both of their phones started to ring. Meaning they were running late and both of their teams noticed it. Bada reached over grabbing her phone only to be pushed off her friend's body. The brunette girl took the opportunity to jump out of bed and run into the bathroom. She quickly shut the door locking herself in, knowing how her girl would try to convince her to stay in bed once again.

Leah let out a small giggle, watching Bada trip over the last step on the top of the staircase. She ran past her down the hall laughing out loud. "Yah!" She screamed, chasing after her girlfriend. They always liked to tease each other, didn't matter if it was for fun or in a sexual way.

All the crews started to gather around on set getting ready for the long filming day. The half Korean Mexican girl ran through the halls in search of her crew. She couldn't find one single member. She held a bandage to cover up her back tattoo. Yet, she couldn't find anyone she's close enough with to apply it for. She made her way onto set seeing all the crews gathered around except hers. Her green blue eyes scanned around not finding any of her girls. Until her eyes landed on her beautiful girlfriend who chatted along with Lusher. "Bada!" She screamed, in an adorable voice as she ran through the set. Her somewhat wet hair flew behind her as she ran. A smile upon her face as she made her way to her girlfriend who glanced up in surprise. The tall girl stood up from her seat as her eyes landed on her. The corner of her lips turning upwards feeling her heart flutter at how gorgeous she looked today. She wasn't wearing her comfortable baggy clothes she left with this morning. "Can you cover my tattoo?" She handed the bandage to the girl. Bada didn't hesitate to take the bandage, watching her girlfriend turn around. She pulled her hair up away from her back to give her more access.

One of the staff members took the opportunity to connect her microphone and earpiece. They placed the box onto her back pocket as she thanked them. Shivered ran down her spine at the feeling of her long slim warm fingers pressed against her skin. Her brown eyes were extremely focused as she carefully applied the bandage onto her back. She made sure to mess it up or let any weird bubbles form. She glided her fingers over the bandage, assuring it glued onto her skin and wouldn't fall off easily.

Yeni and Chocol both glance at each other before looking at the girls across from them. Both girls captured Wolf Lo's attention. "In that situation I don't know who I would want to be, Leah who allowed Bada to touch her without feeling uncomfortable or Bada who takes every opportunity she gets to be closer to her." Yeni whispered among her members as their eyes were glued onto the two girls. Halo raised a brow up in surprise. Noticing how Leah started to sway her hips around backing it up on the handsome tall girl who chuckled. Her brown eyes traveled down her body landing on her ass which is inches away from her. A small smirk formed on Bada's lisp as her index finger traced over the outline of the bandage causing goosebumps to form on her skin. Leah's body somewhat twitches, feeling the tingling sensation of her fingers. "I think in this case both girls are lucky." Haechi spoke, leaning closer to Chocol who couldn't take her eyes off the shorter girl.

The Devils Temptation {Bada Lee}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang