{Final pt.2}

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The girls rush backstage with the hugest grins across their faces. They were glowing more after the performance from happiness and sweat. Leah tilted her head to the side watching how the girls cheered each other. They shared positive feedback and even complimented one another. Her green blue eyes sparkled as she saw how loving and caring they were with one another. It had taken her forever to realize she had created a family of her own. She had spent many years of her life wanting to be accepted by her own family and she failed to realize the people who actually stood by her side. They weren't her parents or blood related but that didn't matter to her at all. She had gotten a beautiful family from all the struggles in her life. Not only that but she knew where they stood with her especially because they never left. They never abandoned nor gave up on her, not even when she was going through her depression stages. Her eyes became glossy from the tears starting to form in her eyes. She looked away, blinking the tears away not wanting to ruin her makeup. She mostly didn't want the girls to see her cry or worry about her.

Lately she's been feeling super emotional and a bit anxious. Everything seemed too good to be true. There were times where she would question everything. She would even wonder if she's having a nice dream or is actually awake. She had spent an entire part of her life in this complete darkness. Constantly wondering when she would come out at the other end of the tunnel. When she would finally find the light meaning it was the end. She never realized she actually found it a long time ago when Eternal was finally created. "Unnie?" Miyeon called out her name without getting a response from her. She noticed how she stared ahead at nothing in particular. A look of concentration upon her face allowed them to know she was lost in thought. The younger girl took a step closer to her waving a hand in front of her face. She called out her name once again, not receiving any response. "Leah?" Ivy called out, clapping her hands in front of her face. This caused her to snap back into realization, she blinked a couple of times looking around.

Her green blue eyes looked at the four girls who stood in front of her with worried looks. She raised her brow in confusion wondering what she had missed. "Unnie, we called your name out multiple times. We need to get changed for the Class Mission choreo's." She nodded her head allowing Ivy to drag her. She chuckled, watching how the girls cheerfully giggled running through the halls.

"We're late, Bada! Let's go, hurry!" The tall handsome girl leaned against the outside wall of the dance studio. Her brown eyes glued to her phone screen as she sent a message to her mother letting her know about her whereabouts. She locked her phone, shoving it into her front pocket, her head turning to the right seeing the short brunette girl. She ran towards her holding tightly onto the strap of her duffle bag. As she ran her hair gracefully flew behind her, her bangs beautifully moved off to the side exposing her forehead. Half of her hair was pinned with a huge black bow while the rest was down.  At that moment her smile fell into this frozen state. She gulped feeling her throat going dry seeing the younger girl running. Although Leah ran as fast as she could across the street making sure there wasn't any car coming. In Bada's eyes she ran in slow motion, her body seemed to be glowing out of nowhere. Her eyes grew slightly big upon seeing her bright smile as she ran to her.

Her right hand came up touching her chest feeling her heart skip a beat. She's never been one to be enchanted or mesmerized by someone. "Hurry, come on!" Leah grabbed her hand, as she slammed open the glass door. Bada wasn't processing anything at all yet, still lost in her beauty. Her brown eyes glanced down realizing she was indeed wearing one of her t-shirts. Bada allowed the younger girl to drag her past the halls to the elevator. Leah pressed the button as the door opened allowing them inside. The tall girl still looked down, her eyes galling on their hands, seeing how her best friend had never once let go off. Her green blue eyes focused on the bright red numbers in front of them. The corner of Bada's lips turned upwards as she changed their hands. Her hand being in front as she intertwined their fingers together. This caught the brunette's attention, making her glance up in surprise. Her eyes slightly widened as she stared up at her best friend who tilted her head smiling at her. Leah smiled in response, locking eyes with her. They had such a unique bond where things didn't need to be said they could read each other's mind with one look.

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