The Air Rights were purchased for this project, I was authorized to use them.

Stepping outside I watched Elijah open the back of the central car as he looked around. "Mr. Winters, Miss Thorne," he says and I gave him a curt nod as I got in after Olivia.

"If you want to be seen in public with me, then that is what we will do. I can up security to be sure you remain safe, I've pissed off enough people in this city," I say looking over to Olivia.

"I just want one promise. Allow yourself to let go of the money. You've told me before it never meant anything to you, you told me your parents worked their lives away mostly your dad, and you document everything. You read through the divorce papers your mom had gotten and hid away when your dad tried to get close to you. I don't want to see you go down that same path, not when it ends with something so dark," she says and I nod.

"You're the reason all of it has purpose Olivia. Without you I very well may have become a true clone to my dad," I say wrapping my hands around her smaller one.

"And still I couldn't stop your love of cars and yachts," she smirks and I knew what she was referring too especially when I had purchased various amounts of vehicles to go to private homes that were in a separate trust, along with several boats to go to those same places.

My accountant, who was also Olivia's, and was her friend from Williamsburg; Angela had documented a total collective of nearly twelve billion dollars in assets most of which I'd purchased but a select amount was inherited, like the many homes across Europe that belonged to the Winters Family Estate Trust.

Staring at Olivia I thought about how one day I would want to take her to every place we could find, I wanted to bring her to all the countries where we had homes, and enjoy our lives together while we still were young enough to appreciate it.

Because of Olivia my day to day choices were often for the sake of my company, but also because if I could take the groundwork done for me by my parents reputation, and build something better I wouldn't ruin that for the day that I eventually had a family of my own, and my son or daughter would take up my position as CEO.

Getting back to the penthouse Elijah parked the car and I climbed out before Olivia followed and we walked through the garage which was full and likely had been for two hours by now since most people didn't work as late as Olivia and I, and a large contigent of NYC worked at home because it was more convenient.

Stepping into the elevator I selected my floor and traveled up while wrapping my arms around Olivia and pulled her back to me.

"I have my own simple rule, if you're going to go out to a place where men an women go to flirt and find hookups, I'm going with you. I don't care if you go, but I don't trust other men especially when drunk to make smart choices," I say and she turns around to face me.

"You're not very good at hiding on balconys Adrian, I've noticed you many times in that club you were at last night. I swear you went there just to watch over me," she says and I nodded.

"Doesn't matter if I did or not. You're safe, I might trust my bodyguards, I'd trust myself with you more then them, and they all were former Seals and Marines," I muse leaning down and kissing the end of Olivia's nose and then her lips.

"Don't worry, I trust you to be anywhere, draw attention and ignore it because people piss you off. Even if you're a teddy bear under all the broodiness," Olivia hums looking pleased with herself and I sighed.

What am I going to do with this woman.

"And you would have avoided me all of Thornbrook and in adult life if I wasn't so charming bellissima," I quipped only to be met by Olivia's version of a scathing look which was more like a kitten who had just been woken up.

"Why did I agree to date you again?" she inquires into the air as the doors opened.

"Because all my negative qualities have positives, now I'm going to shower, and then I will make dinner, we can watch any show you want, and I can't make comments," I say and she immediately looked happier then I'd seen her in quite a while.

"Okay, and I get my own blanket, there isn't room for two people," she says walking out of the elevator and kicking off her shoes.

"Just cuddle with me, solves the problem," I remark kissing the top of her head and walking off to the stairs.

"And I thought I was the one who was attached," Olivia cooed with an amused smile.

"You turn into a teenage girl with a crush when I would invite you over. Oh wait you were," I tease.

"Go have your shower," she laughs and I lightly chuckled as I walked upstairs.

"Only if you join me," I call back and even though I wasn't in sight of her, I knew Olivia would be blushing and that was all I needed to know as I walked off to rid myself of my daily stress.

Another chapter done, now things shall pick up, I hope you all enjoy it. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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