Dean's drinking problem

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Chapter 50

Friday, 2:15 pm

In the bunker

Danny's POV

I'm in the living room, talking to Dad about his drinking problem. We all know about my Dad's drinking problem, and it's actually starting to worry me. He's my Dad. I like having him around. I'd like for him to stop drinking so much, so that he can stay around for longer. Drinking so much CAN'T be good for his insides. According to every other adult in my life, Dad's been drinking like this since wayyyyyyyy before I was even thought of. So I don't know what to do about it. He's been drinking so heavily for so long. I don't know that he can stop.

Danny: I'm just saying that maybe you could drink less.

Dad: And I'm just saying that there's nothing wrong with how much I drink.

There is, though. There's actually a lot wrong with how much you drink. It's too much. You drink too much. It's actually a problem.

Danny: Dad, I'm not telling you this to be mean. I'm telling you this as your concerned son. You drink too much, and it's starting to worry me.

Dad: I'm fine. There's nothing to be concerned about. I don't drink that much. I actually think I drink at a totally normal amount.

Danny: You're wrong.

Dad: Wouldn't I know if I'm ok? I have a few beers every now and then. That doesn't mean anything.

You don't just have "a few beers ever now and then". You have an entire 6 pack, almost 3 times a week. That's not good. We can't keep acting like this is normal, or treating it like there's nothing wrong with it. My Dad has a problem, and it's time to start trying to fix it.

Danny: Who else drinks as much as you do? Not even Uncle Sam drinks that much. You have to stop, or at least slow down.

I'm not asking him to completely stop drinking. I don't think he'd be able to do that. But I am asking him to slow down a little bit with his drinking.

Dad: Kid, why don't you go do something productive. Ok?

Danny: I'm thing to do something productive, right now. But you're not listening to me.

Dad: I don't have the patience for this conversation right now.

Danny: Well that's too bad.

He takes a step closer to me, obviously trying to intimidate me. But I'm not on intimidated. I'm just worried about him.

Dad: Go text your friends or see what the girls are doing. Or go find something to do that isn't harassing me.

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